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It is called X-COM: Last Hope. See the [http://lasthopemod.moddb.com/ developers] website. For the list of all the current X-COM games being produced, see StrategyCore's [http://www.strategycore.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=5143 Project Resource List].
It is called X-COM: Last Hope. See the [http://lasthopemod.moddb.com/ developers] website. For the list of all the current X-COM games being produced, see StrategyCore's [http://www.strategycore.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=5143 Project Resource List].
Aliens beware!Only if it wasnt a Multiplayer with no bots.ow...--[[User:X-COM:Turcocalypse|X-COM:Turcocalypse]] 12:55, 25 April 2006 (PDT)

Revision as of 19:55, 25 April 2006

Main Page Table Proposal

By the way, we'll keep the table specs templates as well. In the future, we may want to change them a bit. Maybe even give them construction paper or graph paper backgrounds! Gasp, shock. Just a thought. For now, we can use the specs templates as another site-wide template for all spec tables.

So now we've got {{StdTable}}, which contains:

cellpadding = "4" style = "border:1px gray solid; border-collapse: collapse;"

And {{StdTable Heading}}, containing:

style = "font-weight: bolder; color: white; background: #bbb;"

I haven't created a sub-heading template for the moment, as I can't see any place in the main menu to stick one for the moment.

But when it's created, it'll look exactly like heading only the background colour will be set to #EEE.


P. S: You can see what templates are used on a page when you enter the edit screen just under the save and preview buttons. This will be templates that were in the page in the previous save. Not in the current edit in progress. I think. Still, handy to know.

NKF, the main page looks great IMHO. Clearly you took many things into consideration, including the "oomph" factor. The only thing I can suggest is that, in that very first full sentence in the top of the Main Page, have e.g. an underline link (no reason to change a single word!) to the main wikipedia XCOM link. Some folks will drop in totally out of the blue - that's their release valve to see, "ah, they're talking about a game".

As for the major re-write of main page, and lack of discussion here past my last post - whatever happened was always up to, the person that chose to sink the time into it. We all had time to say our peace. NKF, you did a great job as far as I'm concerned.

---MikeTheRed 00:27, 14 January 2006 (PST)

I took the liberty of removing most discussions on this page as many seem to be resolved. Issues relating to organization are pretty much complete. I think we can all agree that NKF did a terrific job pulling it all together! Thanks! The issue of color is technically still open for discussion, though for the time being, monochrome works just as well.

I switched the word "X-COM" to link to the wikipedia Xcom page. It's only a temporary change as I'm still not convinced that it looks "proper" - especially for the opening of a main page. Some of you may feel differently, so speak up. Otherwise I might just switch it back in a week. Anyone can freely remove my comment. :) --Zombie 20:34, 18 January 2006 (PST)

Oomph? Rubbish. It was just a few minor tweaks, is all. Ha!

I've nudged the standard heading a bit so that it's a little lighter. I think it looks much better now. I'm trialling TFTD's blue-green theme colours, and it doesn't look too bad. I'm still undecided on Apocalypse, as it never did quite have any particular theme colour for most of its screens - not counting chrome. Maroon still comes to mind.

The badge icons I made look a bit out of place. Too vivid. Perhaps monochrome insignias would look better?


Wow! Now it's actually starting to look slick, NKF! Who would've thought, given our humble beginnings.

I personally don't care much about colors. Although come to think of it, I wonder if the golden wheat color of XCOM 1 farms might not be a nice background for the box header of EU.

Also a tiny note, what do you think of a slash (/) instead of an "or" for the "Enemy Unknown or UFO Defense" header. The "or" might confuse newcomers - is it one or the other or both? Which also reminds me - "General Information" could say somewhere up front and obvious, concerning the nature of the two names, U.S. and European.

Did you clean up all the small pages that were making for so many multiple main-page entries as I advised, NKF? If so, I would like to buy you a great meal. It's easy to make a lot of suggestions... but all the ones I made would've taken 2-6 grueling hours of clean-up and linkage. I figure the price of some good beers or a nice meal is worth less than me spending approx. 4 hours on that, lol...

I'm still deep into Civ4 but it won't last forever. XCOM has appealed to me across 10 years, and continues to do so. I'll be back some month in force. In the meantime, thanks for all your great work, NKF! You can delete some/all of this comment after reading.


Ok, now I'm double-dipping. On review, I would say that the "Battlescape Overview" and "Mission Types" categories could be melded into one "Combat Overviews" section. It doesn't have to be, but again I work on the principal of how, at various stages in their knowledge of XCOM, folks will want to look up one thing, and then another thing. And the Main Page should be intrinsically and entirely succinct.

To me, "Missions" is something that mainly noobs look up - the definitions of the mission types. Whereas "Overview" is something that intermediate and vet players want. Which is to say, you're one or the other - and one or the other of these two Main Page categories is irrelevant to somebody who frequents our pages to look things up. So I would meld them all into one place, and I suggest calling it "Combat Overviews".

One category in it would be Mission Types, and under it would be what is now called "Mission Variants" under "Mission Types". Otherwise have "General Combat Concepts" with such things as "Damage", "Explosions", and "Night Missions". "Aliens Missions" should have their own category - a contrapoint to "Mission Types" a.k.a. XCOM Missions.

Once again, I ask a lot and do almost nothing, laugh. I leave it in your hands. If/when I have lots of time to spend, I'll dive in again. One good thing about this place being less busy is that one can be less worried about making major, reasonable changes... who's going to object? laugh

I see in the wiki code, how you attempted to indent Weapons and HWPs. I guess it broke because it's centered. Something to kick around, see if there's a fix. Overall of course, the Main Page looks way better - thanks tons for sinking so much time into it!

BTW I like the link to the wiki on the game itself, at the top of the Main Page. Can I suggest having those parens saying "(a PC game)" instead of "(X-COM)". The link symbol shows folks that they're linking, and for all the other folks who drop in here accidentally wondering "what the heck is this page about", well, now they know. Look at it with outsider eyes... while the Main Page makes total sense to us, outsiders wonder, "do these folks believe in UFOs??

Interesting, I saw a question about production time inconsistencies, and thought I'd look up something up. Then I realise we're missing a section on item manufacture for the main menu. We've had some pretty good discussions on it (profitability discussions, for example), and I'd hate to see it all go to waste.

Does anyone else have any suggestions on what main sections we may be missing?


I haven't heard of production time inconsistencies, NKF. Under Economics, there's already a place for "Smaller Topics, Notes and Links". Unless we're talking something huge, what you're talking about doesn't sound like Main Page to me. The question of what to make a main topic for, is not whether it doesn't fit logically into its own category. Everything overlaps already. For the Main Page, the question is whether it is a main, eye-catching thing that people will return to time and again. Otherwise put the smaller things somewhere, and have several wiki links from wherever it's relevant, using the power of hyperlinking. Another way to say it is that most everything that rates main page should have 3+ serious topics (entire wiki pages/concepts) under it. But there can always be exceptions, such as for warning sections or ones that hand-hold newbies.

Anyway, that's my view of it. A way to keep the site focussed. But this is a wiki; it's not just up to me. And you're the main person sinking time into it these days. Do what you think is best, bro!

Er, NKF, would you mind left-aligning the stuff in "Miscellaneous" on this Main Page? It's too wide a box and the eye goes: left, right, left, right finding the actual topics, when it's center-aligned. I tried to take a stab at left-aligning it but it's in a table and I don't know tables well.

One other request - can the "Community Portal" at the bottom of the Main Page please have some more words saying "Hello Newbies!" one way or the other, and/or put it at the top of the Main Page. Noobs are the life and blood of a thriving site, but the fact that that Portal has your many good pointers, is sort of lost in its current incarnation. Although I like the new look of the Main Page very much, one thing I miss is that that old "Newbies look here!" that was front and center on the old page, is now kind of buried. Consider putting it/something back up top and/or make it more clear that "Newbies Welcome!! Here's some pointers!"

Delete this comment of mine when done, no matter if you don't want to do this - it's just my opinion. Good to type at you, bro! ---MikeTheRed 01:54, 25 February 2006 (PST)

It was a question somewhere mentioning that the engineering hours are inconsistent. Turns out, after a quick poke around, that all manufacturing projects start on the next hour, not the hour you started it on. Makes sense, as the game starts putting in the engineering hours every hour. But no matter.

I'll see what I can do about the misc table.

As for the You N00b! Look here! bit, yes, that does need to be more obvious. A small disclaimer explaining that this site is about a game rather than alien conspiracy theories is much needed as well. I won't update that just yet as I'm not entirely satisfied with what I've patched together. See:

Welcome to UFOpaedia.org

This site has been created to serve as the ultimate resource for information based around the Extra Terrestrial Combat Unit (X-COM) and its encounters with the alien invaders. Information about all previous encounters with the alien menace will be recorded here along with detailed notes and helpful strategic guides as a useful reference for X-Com Commanders, be they new or returning officers.

You there! Are you a new visitor? Do you want to help improve the UFOPaedia but don't know where to start? Seek help from the Community Portal

Disclaimer: This is a site dedicated to a computer game. If you came here for the alien conspiracy theories but not for the games, then you've must've taken a wrong turn somewhere. Head back a few miles until you step on the gnomes making the crop circles. If all else fails, you can Google your way to safety.Better yet,establish a kooky cult and raise millions of dollars,and donate some to us for the idea.Happy travels!

Okay, so I didn't spend much time on it.


I just got rid of the bullets and put whitespace between the misc. listing. Even put an align = "left" bit into the table, but goodness knows if that's helping it any.


Good work, you're a natural.

Instead of the long disclaimer, just put up by the external link to XCOM, "Extra Terrestrial Combat Unit (X-COM, a computer game)". Anybody who thinks anything weird past that... well, we can have fun with them.

When you moved the Portal to the top in your example, I am thinking we could make it a little more smooth. May I suggest wording like this:

X-COM fans - this site is made for, and made by, you and us. If you love the X-COM series and want to EDIT THIS SITE, see [these links]. All newbies welcome!

I don't know why it's called the "community portal". I would've said things like Insta Help or Intro Portal or whatever. Or best yet, Noob Tips. Don't be shy; noobs know they're noobs. Community Portal sounds like it's going to a chat page. Noobs give a page 3 seconds to make sense. Nobody wants to go to a chat page they never heard of.

Heep chill NKF - MtR

I've just removed a whole bunch of links spammed onto our main page by a user called "Omnica".

I've been away from the Wiki for a while, so I'm wondering if this the first time this sort of thing has happened?

- Bomb Bloke

Bomb Bloke, I noticed that earlier, but being a (relatively) new user I wasn't sure if it should have been there or not or else I would have removed it myself when I first seen it. This is the first time I, personally, have seen that type of editing here.


You should have seen the spamming before we required users to register an account, Pheonix. :)

Anyhow, yes, this was the first instance of spam since early December 2005. I blocked the user Omnica for a period of 2 weeks. If he comes back, it will be a permanent ban. If anyone notices more spam, please let me know via PM through any of the forums (StrategyCore, or Xcomufo or drop me an Email at: zombie (at) strategycore (dot) co (dot) uk. This incident was reported to GazChap. --Zombie 22:52, 30 March 2006 (PST)

Will do Zombie! (BTW, I'm relatively new so never seen a stage where login wasn't required. I have seen the block list now though... you learn something new every day! ;) ) Cheers -- Phoenix 09:55, 31 March 2006 (BST)

I just banned another spammer (Sammax) for two weeks. Not only did he add spam links but he also modified the text of the UFOpaedia:About page. I'll inform GazChap of this shortly. --Zombie 08:52, 22 April 2006 (PDT)

Quick note for future revisions of subsections:

Template navigation toolbars for subsections.


Greetings everyone!I am the youngest Xcom freak in Turkey.Xcom 1 2 and 3 all over.I love to add stuff to Xcom Apocalypse.Keep in touch.--X-COM:Turcocalypse 12:41, 21 April 2006 (PDT)

Welcome, welcome, welcome! Keep up the good work in the Apoc area! --Zombie 21:35, 21 April 2006 (PDT)

Another proposal

I see we have EU, TFTD, Apoc, Interceptor, Alliance and Genesis game sections listed on the main page. But what about Email: X-COM and X-COM: Enforcer? Anyone mind if I add those sections in? Granted, they will probably be a little underdeveloped than the other games due to the lack of players, but I think we still should have them. --Zombie 21:35, 21 April 2006 (PDT)

A Half Life Mod????

Anyone know the Half Life (of HL2) mod about X-COM?I heard rumors...--X-COM:Turcocalypse 15:59, 22 April 2006 (PDT)

It is called X-COM: Last Hope. See the developers website. For the list of all the current X-COM games being produced, see StrategyCore's Project Resource List.

Aliens beware!Only if it wasnt a Multiplayer with no bots.ow...--X-COM:Turcocalypse 12:55, 25 April 2006 (PDT)