Dimension Probe

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Revision as of 00:51, 30 October 2009 by Hobbes (talk | contribs)
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Apoc probe large.png

A small, experimental probe designed for exploration of the alien dimension.

This is the first X-COM-created craft and also the first human vehicle able to enter the alien dimension through the Dimensional Gates. It carries an extensive sensor package for analysis of the Alien Dimension.

The Explorer has a 2 X 2 weapon slot, and can therefore be equipped with a Light Distruptor Beam to harass invading alien craft or to support standard vehicles when not exploring. Fairly capable of dodging most attacks, it can be a nuisance to a foe, but not much more unless in sufficient numbers or as a back-up for other combat units.

Just remember, any hit that the Probe dodges has a chance of hitting a building unless you are flying above the shooter.

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X-COM Hybrid Aircraft