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In case anyone's wondering, amitakartok translates roughly into whateveryouwant in Hungarian. It's origin: when I registered at a site several years ago, the appropriate answer for the question "What should be your nickname?" seemed to be "whatever you want" and I started to like it. I use that as a universal nick on every registering and even in Garry's Mod (though it's a pity gmod doesn't have a Chryssalid NPC downloadable, that would be awesome XD).

My philosophy regarding soldiers: keep losses at minimum. One or two rookie is OK, three sergeants isn't. In that case, reload ASAP (why the hell they didn't put loading into battlescape?!) - yes, I'm a savewhore, so to speak. For this reason, my armor distribution is this: rookies/seamen have to become squaddies/able seamen to earn armor. Officers get the latest equipment, e.g. Power/Flying/Ion/Magnetic Ion armor. Also, in Cydonia/T'Leth every soldier is armed with Flying/Mag. Ion armor.

Things I hate:

  • Elitists thinking everyone is inferior compared to them.
  • Same guys "noob"-ing others. You were "noobs" too once so STFU. Thank you.
  • 13375P34K. No, really. DER GRAMMATIK NAZISund Google Translate REGIEREN!!!
  • Cheating AI. This includes X-COM aliens.
  • Unpleasable "fans". Seriously, nine years have elapsed since the last X-COM title and people are bitching that an FPS is on the way??? They should be really fucking happy they get anything at all!
  • Copyright holders. Yarr, fakk yaselvez, ya greedy sons-a-bitchez! We don' needz ya.

Things I love (not necessarily in this order):

  • X-COM
  • C&C
  • Fallout 3 (someone, PLEASE model an Ethereal robe into F3!)
  • Mecha anime (to rephrase that, "Evangelion rulz, bitches!")
  • TV Tropes

What I would put into X-COM

  • Heavy laser aimed fire has sniper accuracy when crouching.
  • Heavy plasma has no autofire to prevent spamming.
  • High explosive can destroy inner UFO walls. After researching Elerium and alien grenade, option to research and manufacture Elerium charge that is very heavy but can blow a hole into outer UFO walls and is more cost-efficient than blaster bombs.
  • Aliens keep using smaller guns. Specifically:
    • Soldiers use rifles.
    • Engineers use stunners.
    • Navigators and Medics use pistols.
    • Leaders use heavy plasmas.
    • Commanders use blasters.
  • The flying suit has very low armor in the back due to the Elerium reactor. If the soldier takes a lethal hit there, the reactor explodes with the force of an alien grenade. Doesn't happen to mag. ion armor.
  • Avengers have three weapon slots.
  • Explosions destroy corpses but non-corpse items have a random chance of surviving the detonation and merely being thrown away from the epicenter. Also, items are destroyed and explosives are set off by incendiary damage.
  • Incendiary damage stacks depending on how long the target stands on fire (i.e. standing in fire for three turns does six times the damage). This makes fire a real hazard to non-immune units.
  • Power suits, flying suits, Cyberdiscs and Sectopods are immune to incendiary damage. Mutons, Silacoids, Snakemen, Chryssalids and personal armor'd soldiers take reduced incendiary damage; Sectoids, Zombies, Celatids, civilians and unarmored soldiers take normal incendiary damage; Ethereals, Floaters and Reapers take extra incendiary damage.
  • Ability to rename crafts.

How I usually play

  • Money only from funding countries. As in, I don't manufacture for profit and I usually finish the game with two combat bases and one research base. I still sell stuff when stores are full and I never keep anything before lasers. I still use exploits however, but only those with smaller effects like the zero amount manufacturing bug.
  • Usual troop composition in a Skyranger:
    • Two fireteams of four soldiers.
      • Three riflemen (laser rifle + grenade).
      • One support gunner (heavy laser).
    • One designated medic (laser pistol + stunner + smoke grenade + medkit).
    • One heavy weapons operator (rocket launcher).
    • One laser tank.
  • Troop composition in a Lightning (using XcomUtil):
    • Three fireteams.
    • Two designated medics.
    • One designated heavy weapons specialist (rocket launcher or blaster).
    • One sniper (plasma rifle).
  • Troop composition in an Avenger:
    • Same as the Lightning plus two plasma HWPs.
  • Soldier rules:
    • Rookies get no armor and basic equipment.
    • Squaddies get personal armor and can now use heavier equipment if they happen to be the fire support guy.
    • Sergeants get power armor.
    • Colonels get power armor and are the only ones cleared to use a blaster.
  • Base rules:
    • First base in Europe.
    • As soon as funds permit, set up dedicated research base somewhere out of the way and do ALL research there. When advanced tech starts accumulating, expand base with workshops and engineers. All hi-tech craft are built here, one at a time.
    • As funds keep coming, expand. Second base in the US, third in Asia. I usually finish the game before getting to this point.
  • Craft rules:
    • Interceptors stay in use throughout the whole game but only wield terrestrial weaponry: no plasmas or FBLs as these would realistically require the gutting of over half of the plane's electronics which I doubt the manufacturer/leaser would appreciate. Each combat base gets one which handles the small fry: anything too small to warrant a Firestorm.
    • Skyrangers also see use throughout the game. All combat bases except the main base have one.
    • When Firestorms become available, each combat base gets one with dual plasmas. These handle Supply Ships and Terror Ships ONLY as I never tangle with Battleships and dual plasmas are overkill against anything smaller than these three.
    • Only one Lightning is built, for the main base. The other bases keep using Skyrangers. By this point, my primary away team usually has enough skill to tackle terrorists without HWP fire support, giving opportunity for the new blood to get some experience as well.
    • Only one Avenger is built, with a max limit of two sorties: one base assault and the final mission. Only the Avenger receives FBLs and only for symbolic purposes as I don't actually use it for interception.
  • I don't farm bases because out of all the bases I ever demolished, I only saw one or two with Elerium (am I unlucky or what?). And supply ships usually flee before the Skyranger gets there.


Got a terrible longing towards X-COM so I reinstalled it. I want to try out some new tactics including the introduction of trooper classes! I have two class configurations as of now:


  • Assault
    • Primary: Laser Rifle
    • Secondary: Grenade
  • Support
    • Primary: Heavy Plasma
    • Secondary: Alien Grenade
  • Heavy Weapons
    • Primary: Rocket Launcher, Blaster Launcher
    • Secondary: none (for carrying more ammo)
  • Medic
    • Primary: Laser Pistol
    • Secondary: Medkit, Smoke Grenade
  • Scout
    • Primary: Plasma Pistol, Stun Launcher (both)
    • Secondary: Proximity Grenade, Motion Sensor
  • Sniper
    • Primary: Plasma Rifle
    • Secondary: Smoke Grenade


  • Assault
    • Primary: Gauss Rifle
    • Secondary: Grenade, Medkit (if half the team has medkits, the other half has higher life expectancy if shot but not killed)
  • Support
    • Primary: Sonic Cannon
    • Secondary: Dye Grenade (covering deployment)
  • Heavy Weapons
    • Primary: Torpedo Launcher, Blaster Launcher (HE Gas Cannon during terror missions)
    • Secondary: Sonic Pulser (for that little extra boom)
  • Recon
    • Primary: SB Rifle, TS Launcher (both)
    • Secondary: PD Grenade (think Claymore mines)

'99 Jan

  • Set up shop in Central Europe.
  • First interception, small scout over Europe. Destroyed.
  • Second interception, medium scout over Africa. Crashed, recovered. One injury.
  • Another medium scout over Africa. Landed, recovered. Casualties zero, captured a Sectoid navigator.
  • Large scout over Africa, Interceptor 2 got damaged. Called in Interceptor 1, UFO landed before it arrived. One injury.
  • Closed month with positive rating, ran out of cannon rounds.

'99 Feb

  • Medium scout over Egypt. Crashed, recovered. Stunner is captured.
  • Personal armor is being deployed.
  • Closed with OK rating.

'99 Mar

  • No activity in Europe.
  • Second base in the US under contruction.
  • Two days before end of month, Snakeman terror mission. Tackled with no casualties, two injured.
  • Closed with over 1,000 points in the negative.

'99 Apr

  • Another Snakeman terror mission. No casualties aside from losing a tank. Got a VERY close call: a Chryssalid ran right up to a soldier but instead of infecting him, ran away.
  • Minuscule negative score, nothing serious.

'99 May

  • Both bases have Hyperwave decoders and Interceptors.
  • Spotted some scouts conducting base missions in Australia.
  • Snakeman terror mission at night. They're really getting on my nerves... Due to a logistics error, one of the deployed agents didn't got a weapon. No casualties, four wounded from a grenade.
  • Muton small scout. Recovered, pilot captured.
  • THOSE SNEAKY BASTARDS!!! While the Skyranger was returning from the previous mission, a terror site popped up in Australia with me totally unable to respond! The Ranger finished refueling two hours after the site disappeared...
  • Closed with high negative score.

'99 Jun

  • American base is complete, first soldiers and Skyranger have already arrived.
  • First deployment of American team against a small scout. Zero casualties, the European team's best squaddie was promoted to Sergeant and assigned command of the American team.
  • American base detected a Snakeman supply ship. A Skyranger patrol found the base right in the middle of Australia, wiped it out two days before end of the month.
  • Closed with little negative score and some funding increase.

'99 Jul

  • Started construction of a third base in Asia. Production and research is still carried out by EuroCom.
  • Snakeman terror mission, nothing serious.
  • Snakeman base discovered in South East Asia.

'99 Aug

  • Muton terror mission. One injury, lost (yet) another tank.

'99 Sep

  • Discovered a Floater base on Hawaii.


I don't know if you know about this, but I found yet another X-COM remake. It has been around for a while, but I forgot to mention it. The name of the project is X-Force: Fight for Destiny. It is completely DirectX-based and has some nice graphics, but the current version is V0.915b4 (the newest beta). It is composed of "gamesets" which contain everything about a gamemode. The included gameset/script editor is German, but the game itself is multilingual (a total of 13 languages are available right at the start).

Differences from X-COM


  • Option to change starting parameters: gameset, difficulty, composition of starting personnel, etc. Changes are reflected in starting funds: more personnel means less money. The default starting funds are ten million.
  • Online updater for downloading new versions and addons.


  • Engineers and scientists has differing "ability points". Basically, the higher this number, the faster the work is finished. For this reason, engineers and scientists also have individual names and can be sacked automatically whenever someone better is available for hire.
  • Radar ranges are graphically represented in the map. Now that's what I missed from X-COM!!!
  • Previous versions contain the ability to dogfight with UFOs, arcade-style. This has been removed. Now you have to wait until they duke it out offscreen with only some info visible (stats of the combatants, who's firing currently, etc.).
  • Manufacturing uses a universal resource called Alphatron. Alphatron can be gained by establishing specialised mining bases (assigning engineers increase mining efficiency) or by dismantling existing equipment (weapons/ammo/etc).
  • Speaking of which, EVERYTHING can be manufactured except crafts. Certain terrestrial stuff requires construction plans to build which can be purchased for a hefty price. Alien stuff only needs to be researched.
  • Buying/selling equipment is also changed: countries make bids for the equipment and you decide which one you accept and when.
  • Structure-mounted shields. If a UFO attacks a shielded base, the shield will soak up the damage. If it depletes, buildings within start to take damage. Damage can be repaired with engineers. UFOs fairly close to the base can be shot down by base defenses (their range is also represented).
  • UFOs prioritize crafts. If a craft enters radar range, the UFO will ignore it's current mission and attacks the craft instead. Since by default you can't accelerate time while a UFO is on-screen (that counts crashed ones too!), you can lure and shoot them over water if you don't want to fight.
  • Bases are multi-level; some building can only be built on a certain level (ie. no radar/shield underground, hangars are 2x2 on the first level and 1x1 on the surface). Additional levels can be constructed for a fee.
  • All equipment (ammo included) can be upgraded but only if you have the construction plans.
  • Soldiers, engineers and scientists can be trained to improve their skills. However, a soldier in training improves slower than in battle and training costs 25 credits per day.
  • When purchased, crafts only have armor, hardpoints and cargo space. Weapons (projectile, missile, energy), engines, sensors and shields are freely interchangeable.


  • Automatic shots are a horribly inaccurate single shot. Aimed shots are possible to be fired to legs, torso and head. The latter is the hardest but it hurts like a motherfucker (obviously).
  • No HWPs, but soldiers can set up stationary sensors to watch an area or landmines to cover their backs.
  • No transports, soldiers are just dumped onto the battlefield. They start in groups of five. Earlier versions had the ability to "beam up" soldiers from the battlefield. The newest version deploys UFOs as well on the map.
  • Soldiers don't have energy or morale. However, they still lose TUs from weight.
  • Laser weapons has limited ammo and cannot be reloaded, only recharged after battle.
  • I tested the newest version. Looks good, but the Galactic War gameset became the official one and MAN, IT'S VERY HARD! According to the story, a single alien mothership and five smaller craft appeared and scouted the planet. After trying to take them down, they retaliated and systematically destroyed Earth's whole military. The crafts had three layers of defensive structures: an EM field to jam missiles, a magnetic field to repel light projectiles and armor to stop the rest. Finally, they were taken out with nukes, but we became defenseless. The crashed crafts released drones that shot every dropship on sight, plus the only hits were achieved with large naval cannons and dumb-fire contact-fuse missiles; we had to ditch our modern weapons and technology and rely on more primitive methods such as assault rifles with plastic bullets (aliens had the same shielding) or naval-sized cannons with VERY large shells. Additionally, the readme literally says that large UFOs are EXPECTED to be taken down by using several fighters as cannon fodder. Sorry, but isn't that a bit extreme? For me, it sounds like the developer watched a bit too much Evangelion (which is an excellent but really fucked up anime, by the way).

UFO Aftermath

I don't think I have to introduce this one. Many people say it's crap when it's not. It's just vastly different from X-COM.



  • Base mechanics. You always start in central US. There are no base management or anything like that, bases come in three flavors: military base that handles interceptions, engineering base that handles development and production-related stuff and research base that handles scientific stuff. Later on you get a fourth type, anti-biomass; more on that later. Base types can be freely switched out to each other, this takes 24 hours.
  • Expansion is done like this: Earth is divided into territories. For every mission you do in a territory, your presence in that territory as well as all adjacent territories increases. Once your presence is high enough, you get the location of a military base in the area; capturing that base (or further increasing your presence) will turn the territory over to you. Adjacency isn't required, you can expand on the other side of the globe as long as you have enough presence.
  • Like I said, there's no base management. As long as you have one research base, you can do research. Same with engineering bases. Neither requires resources or anything, but most stuff requires you to capture alien tech; for example, capturing a single UFO of any type nets you almost all UFO-related requirements (e.g. engine, hull, etc.).
  • You lose only if you lose all your bases.
  • You cannot even detect UFOs until you develop UFO Detection. It's available right from the start but since most missions are against transgenants, you don't need this until your troops are sufficiently equipped.
  • Interception requires a military base. When you give the order, a flight of three fighters take off from the nearest base and attacks the UFO which also has a fighter cover of three. If the entire flight is shot down, the base will take 24 hours to rebuild them during which it can't perform interceptions. You can develop stronger armor, weapons, engines, etc. for your planes once you capture a UFO. You only really need to intercept Battleships and Planters, these can screw you over big-time. Bases should be taken out before they deploy or you'll have to do a ground mission to dispose of it. The rest pose no threat.
  • Late-game, Planter-type UFOs will fly around the globe. If one of these lands, that spot will start to grow Biomass, a gray-brown carpet that spreads across nearby land at an alarming rate. If the growth reaches one of your bases, you instantly lose that base. The only way to combat it is to do a mission on the Biomass to get a sample of it then research that sample and finally develop Biomass Repulsors. The fourth base type will be unlocked and it's sole function is to radiate a psionic signal; Biomass can't grow in range of the base and if it's already there by the time the base comes online, it will dissolve. Some transgenants only appear in Biomass terrain.


  • First and foremost: battles go in REAL-TIME. You can pause, slow down or speed up time. While this might cause much grumbling amongst X-COM enthusiasts, let me rebuke you: combat is still really hard. And unlike X-COM, you CAN pull off stuff like I did on one base assault where a single level 12 soldier armed with a Neostead shotgun, a medkit and bio armor played a deadly hide-and-seek with nine Reticulans, taking them all down and clearing out the entire base all by himself!! He had a plasma rifle as well but didn't need to use it as I used cover to it's maximum advantage. Result: no casualties and the soldier leveling up. He spent the next few days in the infimary but still. And this was a base assault where all aliens were toting late-game guns including one with a collapsible plasma cannon (took him out just before he could deploy it; he still completed the unpack animation, then packed it up again, then collapsed dead).
  • You can only bring seven soldiers with you. At first, you can sortie only from the military base your chopper is currently at; later, developing in-base teleports allow you to sortie from the military base nearest to your target. You get a steady supply of recruits that are available globally, in all your bases.
  • Development is done like this: doing stuff on the battlefield earns your troops XP. Once the soldier levels up, you can increase one of his/her primary attributes which in turn increases their abilities. The attributes are: Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Willpower, Intelligence and Perception. Abilities are: Marksmanship (sniper rifles and heavy machineguns), Rifles (assault rifles), Handguns (pistols and submachineguns), Launchers (rocket launchers), Throwing (grenades and nade launchers), Psi Power, Hit Points, Speed (base movement speed), Dodge (decreases enemy accuracy), Observation (increases sight range), Stealth (walking and crouching increases probability of staying unnoticed), Aliens (increases damage), Medical (increases medkit efficiency) and Capacity (increases amount of stuff soldier can carry before slowing down). You can also give the soldier training in the base to increase four of his abilities by one full level, but each ability can only be increased once this way. A soldier can do as many regimens as you want so cross-training is possible. Each training session takes 36 hours during which the soldier is unavailable for duty.
  • Enemies generally come in two flavors. Transgenants are mutated Earth life forms; most of them have guns, acid spit or psionics. Reticulans are basically Sectoids in Muton armor. They are VERY tough and wield very strong energy weapons.
  • Equipment can be selected while in the base. At first, a very wide range of terrestrial weapons is available, from pistols to submachineguns to assault rifles to sniper rifles to various other equipment like frag/incendiary/acid/smoke nades. Only Berettas and pump-action shotguns have an infinite supply, the rest must be scavenged from captured bases. Unlike X-COM, better terrestrial guns remain useful through the entire game. Especially sniper rifles (longest range in the whole game) and grenade launchers (think Heavy Cannon with an AutoCannon's ammo capacity and magazines the physical size of a Rifle clip). Shotguns are useful inside bases and UFOs; even the weakest one does 80 damage (for comparison, the highest one does 500), and one of them even has burst-fire that does a good 2200 points of damage point-blank.
  • Armor comes in two flavors: human and hybrid. Human armors are salvaged from bases the same way as guns and come in seven flavors: clothing (almost no damage but good against warp weapons), light armor, combat armor, heavy armor (disables running and crouching but enables some of the best guns), improved light armor (researched), improved combat armor (researched), improved heavy armor (researched). Researched armors have higher laser and plasma resistance. Hybrid armor is reverse-engineered Reticulan armor and comes in four flavors: basic, sun armor (yellow energy shield, more resistant against kinetic weapons), sky armor (blue energy shield, more resistant against energy weapons) and bio armor (green energy shield, best armor in the whole game). There are helmets available as well (light, combat, psychic, and their improved versions) to further increase damage resistance but heavy and hybrid armor can't wear helmets.
  • Aliens generally wield energy weapons. These are good but not THAT good. Humans can reverse-engineer these and build their own versions. Most alien energy weapons use the same ammo (energy or power cells, latter give twice as much shots), same with human versions and their own ammo. Warp and psychic weapons have an internal energy supply and can't be reloaded on the field.
    • When I said reverse-engineer, I didn't mean "build the same gun". No alien gear can be manufactured, only salvaged. Human laser rifles are better than the alien version simply because of the ample ammo (two engineering bases can manufacture a 20-cell batch in 16 hours). Some have no equivalents in the other: the aliens have the plasma gun which is basically a plasma grenade launcher. Humans take this and make a plasma rifle and a plasma shotgun; the former does good damage but has a low ammo capacity while the latter has abysmally short range but insta-kills everything it hits with a single shot.
  • Damage types:
    • Soft. Inflicted by hollow-point rounds and shotgun shells. Very good against unarmored targets.
    • Universal. Inflicted by rifle rounds. Pretty good against transgenants.
    • Hard. Inflicted by high-caliber and armor-piercing rounds. Good against armored goons.
    • Burn. Inflicted by fire and acid. Transgenants like these.
    • Laser. Self-explanatory. Laser pistols and rifles have very nice accuracy but lower damage than conventional guns.
    • Plasma. Self-explanatory. Most plasma weapons do high damage.
    • Warp. Does TONS of damage to armored targets and doesn't require line-of-sight but can't be reloaded on the field.
    • Psychic. This is limited to three effects: damage things with advanced nervous systems, paralyze target and control target. Each of them is caused by a separate weapon and are comparatively rare (except paralyze which is possessed by multiple transgenants). Requires line-of-sight, surprisingly.
    • Heal. Yes, medkits have their own damage type. Some armors decrease healing efficiency against the wearer.
  • Most enemies drop unconscious when their health is low and count as captured if you win the mission; kamikazes and a few others cannot be stunned. Soldiers can be healed back up with a medkit but they can still be targeted while out cold. No matter how high you heal their health back up, they will spend the next few days in the infirmary.
  • Guns can be fired single-shot or burst-fire. Some heavy weapons (see below) don't even have single-shot.
  • No HWPs but there's a reason: late-game, collapsible heavy weapons are available. Specifically, double-barreled machine gun (best damn gun in the whole game, hands down), quad-barreled machine gun, Gatling cannon (think Terminator here), deployable rocket launcher, deployable railgun (the shotgun version, exhausts it's 900 ammo supply in less than ten seconds), warp resonator (think a hitscan Blaster Launcher that works through walls and has no splash damage), warp demolition device (for dozering terrain obstacles but works against enemies too). Most of them need to be deployed to fire but they have brutal firepower and can insta-kill everything they're pointed at in less than a second. Drawback: to equip one of these, you need to put on Heavy Armor which makes you unable to run; put on the gun's weight and your soldier is going at a walking pace with a REALLY big gun. Think Terminator here, people. Some of the better versions can't be reloaded on the field.
  • Mission types:
    • Extermination. Kill or incap everything that moves.
    • Recon. Spot one specimen of every enemy type present on the map.
    • Destruction. Go to the target area and destroy the stuff there using explosives.
    • Recovery. If you lose an interception and the UFO gets away, one of your shot down pilots will survive. Go to his location and get him out alive.
    • Capture. Incapacitate and recover any transgenant on the map. It doesn't matter which; as long as one is alive at the end of the mission, you win.
    • UFO Recovery. Two stage mission: first stage is to find the UFO and step on the green rectangle in front of it with all your troops. Second stage is to kill or incap everyone inside the UFO. Warning: the UFO is VERY cramped. Auto-fire and shotgun use highly recommended. If you leave someone behind in the first stage, you get them back once you win the second stage.
    • Base capture. Two stage mission: first stage is to find the base entrance and step on the green rectangle with all your troops. Second stage is to kill or incap every transgenant in the base.
    • Base defense. Simple: kill every Reticulan in the base. Very hard, my usual tactic is to equip everyone with grenade launchers, go to a dead end and spam the corner with HE death if a Reticulan sticks it's grey head through.
  • Missions come this way: once it pops up on the Geoscape, it will stay there for a few days. If you don't take it by that time or select the mission and choose Delegate, terrestrial forces will do it for you. Base capture or -defense missions can't be delegated but if you ignore them, they will still be solved. Story-critical missions can't be delegated and won't disappear until you do them.