Economy (EU2012)

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Your number one source of income in the game is satellite coverage. Because you get income from satellites at the end of each month and satellite uplinks and satellites have long construction times, you will benefit greatly from some planning to make sure you can launch just before month end, rather than just after. Remember to factor in the engineers and power you'll need and make sure you build generators and workshops with enough lead time. Your satellite links should be your first priority for adjacency bonuses, because an extra satellite is considerably more valuable than +2 power or a workshop rebate. You will need 16 satellites to cover the whole world, so with 4 satellite uplinks and a satellite nexus (or 2 satellite uplinks and 2 satellite nexuses) you will need 4 adjacency bonuses.

While Managing Panic will be your first priority with satellites, fully covering Africa should be a major priority for the 30% increase in global income.

Gray Market

The Gray Market is your second major source of income. While selling things you might need later is a painful decision, it's almost unavoidable to be able to afford to equip your soldiers properly while keeping up with satellite deployment.

  • Sectoid, Thin Man and Floater corpses are usually good bets in the early game, since you will usually get more. You should stop selling Sectoid corpses around month 3 and Floater corpses around month 4, because you stop seeing those alien types and you may want the corpses for the interceptor consumables. You'll always have a supply of Thin Men from council missions.
  • While it may be tempting in the first month or two, you should never sell weapon fragments because they're the main limiting factor on research and foundry projects.
  • While less crucial, it's easy to run out of alloys and elerium to manufacture late game armor, so also avoid selling those if you can.
  • After researching them, UFO Power Sources can be good things to sell in the early game. UFO Power Sources are mainly used for Firestorms, but interceptors with plasma cannons will suffice until late in the game, and are otherwise only used for Elerium Generators, which are pure luxuries given Thermo Generators can easily fulfil your power needs. UFO Navigation is similar but is used for Satellite Nexuses, which are useful for completing your satellite coverage, so think a little harder before selling them.

Council Requests

Once or twice per month a member nation of the Council will ask for X-Com to supply them with certain items.

  • Occasionally they will ask for a satellite to be placed over their airspace; this must be done through the normal Launch Satellites screen.
  • More usually they will request items from the Gray Market list or that X-Com can manufacture (Laser rifles, arc throwers, etc). This is the only time that items from the latter category can be sold.
  • In exchange for the items or satellite, the Council nation will provide X-Com with a single reward similar to those offered for abduction missions. (i.e. the nation will offer one of either scientists, engineers, a veteran soldier or cash).
  • If cash is offered, it will always be greater than the normal going rate for the items. For items that can be manufactured, the cost will always be high enough that you can make a cash profit by building the items to order, but the cost of components (weapon fragments, alloys, etc) needs to be considered.
  • In addition to the economic gain, fulfilling these requests improves your score at the end of the month.+
  • The advice from the section above on general use of the Gray Market also applies here.

Cost avoidance

Only buy or build what you need rather than what you want.

  • You can manufacture soldier equipment instantly, even just before a mission, so there's no need to stockpile. If you find you need an extra nanofiber vest for your squad setup just back out, manufacture one and select the mission again.
  • There's little reason to have more than one of each interceptor consumable in your stores. When you use one, manufacture a replacement instantly. Even if you need to use two interceptors in quick succession, you can still easily manufacture another between launches.
  • Take the time to un-equip items and armor from troops to re-equip them on whoever is going out on the mission. It may take time, but it will save resources in the long-run. Note that injured soldiers who go to the infirmary automatically un-equip all their special gear, but soldiers undergoing Psi Testing do not.

Do I Really Need That?

Some projects are pure luxuries. Soldier recovery time in the Officer Training School is a prime example. It's available early, but it's quite expensive, and you can always swap in a new rookie or squaddie to get some experience. Some Foundry projects are also quite expensive, and worse, they often take Weapon Fragments, which are also required for research projects.