Building Combat (Apocalypse)

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Alien Inspection

When you inspect a building for aliens you will either be immediately informed that there are no aliens there, which will cause the organisation to get slightly annoyed at you, or if there are aliens there then you will begin a tactical mission. Alien inspection missions do not feature security guards of the building owner, though they may feature civilians, which can be ignored. The building owner is strangely uncaring of you killing their employees or tenants, but they will get angry if you cause a lot of property damage.


Raiding other organization is a good way to get some extra funds on the side. However be aware that such actions will have dire consequences to your relationship to said organization as well at it's allies.

Another reason to raid an organization is to cripple their fundings, in such raids the priority is to do as much damage as possible to the owners building. This includes but is not limited to: Destroying furniture, walls and floor tiles. Naturally for such mission, explosives and incendiary ammunition is best suited.

Stun Raids are special raid missions where players equip their agents only with Megapol Stun Grapple stripping everything else, including armor. This allows you to perform raids without hurting your relationship with the victim organization. While some consider this method cheating or glitch abuse it is still an effective means to get cash from friendly organization as their agents will not shoot at yours as long as you do not equip a weapon in either hand, other than the stun grapple ofcourse.


When you need money or if you have money and simply want more you perform robberies. Those are armed robberies in its most literal form, you go in with your biggest guns and wipe out any opposition with deadly force. In robberies you want to be extra careful not to destroy equipment lying on the floor or on dead bodies as those are your price. Guns, elerium pods and psiclones are typically the most valuable treasure. Depending on the technology level of the organization being raided the quality and therefore money worth of the guns their agents carry can vary. Each raid usually yield at least 1 psiclone which is worth $4500 each, although it is possible to find many more in each mission. You usually find one or two elerium pods too, those pods turn into 150 units of elerium upon raid completion, the net worth of each pod is about $3000 each.

The following is an overview of the loot found in the buildings of each organization:

  • Megapol: Megapol Armour (individual pieces), Megapol Autocannon, Megapol AP Grenade, Megapol Stun Grenade, Elerium, Megapol Stun Grapple, Megapol Laser Sniper Rifle, Megapol Plasma Gun, Medi-Kit.
  • Cult of Sirius: Psiclone, Megapol Lawpistol, Megapol AP Grenade, Marsec Proximity Mine, Marsec High Explosive, Megapol Autocannon.
  • Marsec: Marsec Armour (individual pieces), Marsec Proximity Mine, Marsec High Explosive, M4000 Machine Gun, Marsec Heavy Launcher, Marsec Minilauncher, Mind Shield, Mind Bender, Power Sword, Motion Scanner, Elerium.
  • Solmine: Elerium.
  • Psyke: Psiclone, Elerium, M4000 Machine Gun, Marsec Armour (legs, left arm).
  • Diablo: Psiclone, Elerium, Megapol Laser Sniper Rifle, Marsec Armour (body, head).
  • Osiron: Psiclone, Elerium, Megapol Autocannon, Marsec Armour (body, right arm).
  • S.E.L.F.: Psiclone, Elerium, Megapol Autocannon, M4000 Machine Gun, Megapol Laser Sniper Rifle, Megapol AP Grenade, Marsec Proximity Mine, Marsec High Explosive.
  • Mutant Alliance: Psiclone, Elerium, Megapol Autocannon, M4000 Machine Gun, Megapol Lawpistol, Megapol Stun Grenade, Megapol AP Grenade, Marsec Proximity Mine, Marsec High Explosive.
  • All others: Elerium, Megapol Lawpistol, Megapol AP Grenade, Megapol Stun Grenade, Marsec Proximity Mine, Marsec High Explosive, Megapol Autocannon, M4000 Machine Gun.


When an organization is giving you trouble, attacking your base, either from air or by infiltration you may consider sapping their funds a little. This involves destroying their property by means of aerial bombardment or invading their property and wrecking havoc from inside. For these kind of missions explosives and incendiary ammunition are the best choice. Almost anything that can be destroyed will have negative impact on the defending organization's balance this includes walls, floor tiles, doors, furniture and stationary equipment. Destroying any of the following deducts $50 from the defending organization's balance: Floor tile, Door, Transtellar circular bench, Scaffolding, Suitcase. Destroying any of the following deducts $100 from the defending organization's balance: Pool table, wall, Terminal, Line robot, Arcade machine. Note that some of these are larger than 1x1 tile and as such each tile of the same equipment deducts extra $50 or $100 from the balance.

Stun raids

A special type of robbery. See Stun Raid for more information.