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General Information

Alien route maps (.RMP) for moving around the pre-generated Battlescape terrain blocks.

RMP file structure

  • RMP stores the information used by the AI to determine alien patrol routes.
  • The size of each RMP file is dependent on the number of route nodes present on that map.
  • Each route node uses 24 bytes.
  • The first 2 bytes determine the position of the route node inside the map.
  • The propose of the next 2 bytes is known.
  • Starting on the 5th byte, the data indicates the connections from that node to the others present on the map: the 5th byte indicates the number of the node; the 6th the distance in squares for that node; and the 7th the type of unit that can use that connection (0 = Any, 1 = Flying, 2 = Flying Large, 3 = Large, 4 = Small)
  • There are 5 possible connections, and it is stored on bytes from the 5th to 19th.
  • The last 5 bytes contain information regarding the type of unit that can use the node: its size, rank, flags (unknown propose); (unknown propose); and spawn.


The files in the /routes directory are:

See Also


MAPS Directory