Talk:Known Bugs

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Revision as of 12:22, 26 November 2005 by (talk) (Difficulty Bug)
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did anyone find ANNOYING! the airbourne intercept window of TFTD when flying over water?


Intercept a USO over land then follow it and it may (should) fly out towards to water. The aliens don't usually go straight into the drink so the "Unable to continue pursuit while airbourne" window comes when flying over water "return to base" OR "continue pursuit" as the options. If you'd press the 'continue pursuit', it would just display the window again. The only way to continue pursuit was to click it maybe 10 or 20 times before the aliens submerged. This is nuts! Are there any work-arounds to this than just pressing the "return to base" button?

just checking up ?

Difficulty Bug

We should for historical reasons outline the "Difficulty Bug" that XcomUtil has saved most of us from. Any takers? --