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In my experience, soldiers close to 0 morale are more likely to go Berserk than soldiers close to 50, who seem more likely to Panic. This is only an impression though. (Or could it be related to Bravery or something... veteran soldiers are more likely to have higher Bravery, resulting in less Morale loss, which would confound the issue.) Has anyone noticed/tested this? --MTR

I hope you don't mind I moved your open question on the article page to here -- it'll probably remain unresolved for a while.

I saw a lot of panics and berserks when experimenting with bravery training, but I didn't measure the frequency of either. I got the impression that panics are more common than berserks (ever noticed how it's spelled "beserk" in the game?), but other than that, I can't tell why one happened instead of the other.

I'm gonna strike the targeting other soldiers bit altogether, it does seem to be mostly random. But if they're all packed together, somebody's gonna get hit.

I still haven't witnessed the 255 TUs thing. I have, however, seen panicking units walk through other units (they were all crowded into a corner while I was testing Bravery training), and possibly terrain objects/walls too. Only a couple of times though.

--Ethereal Cereal 20:43, 7 June 2006 (PDT)

I see you've been experimenting with Bravery training a bit yourself. Stunning the weaklings once they're trained -- nice idea.

--Ethereal Cereal 20:53, 7 June 2006 (PDT)

No biggie on moving the question. Generally though I/we put questions in Discussion if there's a good chance somebody currently active on the wiki knows the answer - and otherwise put it on the page itself. The reasoning being that casual wiki visitors may know the answer, but are less likely to visit Discussion pages than front pages. Discussions can get awful long, and sometimes even real experienced vets like Hobbes or whomever, who only pop in now and then, look up something on a page (but may not look at Discussions).

I didn't try the stun rod trick - but it follows logically. However I did notice my Bravery experience points going up while I was otherwise checking Unitref for firing-squad training, which got me thinking about it again (resulting in what I wrote). One of these days I'd like to hack Morale to verify that those "average recovery" rates work as expected, but it seems straightforward (shrug).

I'm not sure how NKF checked those TUs... actually I suppose that if you give them a clip weapon (and hack their Morale), it can be easily checked. Huh! So could recovery rates, percent berserk vs. panic, etc. Arg, so much to test, so few aliens to kill, laugh.

---MikeTheRed 21:32, 7 June 2006 (PDT)

Well, I once caught a brief glimpse of the TUs when the soldier was beserking (the TU bar was well off the screen), and there's no other way the soldier can shoot more than normal without having a lot more current TUs than max TUs. The actual amount of TUs that you get is actually unknown, so 255 TUs is the current best guess.

Giving the soldier a finite ammo weapon might work (and editing the ammo amount to a generous level so it's not all spent). However you have to take into account the TUs spent when the soldier is fidgeting (i.e. turning rapidily), so that can throw you off a bit.

As for your last comment - not enough aliens? No problem. Just modify their all-round armour levels to 255. Yep. Do that with your own soldiers and neither party will be able to knock each other out with basic unmodified firearm damage. I had a lot of fun figuring out how your reaction levels work this way. I'm sure you can use it to learn other things as well.


Just reading through this page, and this thought struck me - if an alien is killed by a friendly unit that has gone berserk, what effect does it have on the morale of the berserking soldier and the squad as a whole? ---GazChap 14:13, 21 July 2006 (BST)

Good question, GazChap. (And good to see you!) I don't know what happens then. I'd bet that it counts as a "regular kill", though, with your squad and the soldier in question getting the usual Morale bonuses for the kill. I'm assuming that X-COM isn't sophisticated enough to handle this differently (nor should it matter, arguably). Has anyone else tested this? ---MikeTheRed 17:00, 21 July 2006 (PDT)

Usually a friendly fire kill results in morale penalties for the side that takes/makes the hit, dunno if the other side gets a morale bonus or not. I'd assume they do.

If you kill your own units, you tend to lose morale. This includes killing aliens that you have under mind control.

- Bomb Bloke 22:07, 22 July 2006 (PDT)