Bases (Apocalypse)

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An X-Com Base is the headquarters of operations for dealing with the alien menace in Mega-Primus.

Important: Each building has a home cell. It is a 1x1 cityscape tile in the shape of a grey box which looks like a car-port or parking garage. This is the heart of the building where road vehicles park, employees stay, facilities are built etc. If this tile is destroyed, the base it contains is destroyed and (usually) everything with it.
Note: the layout of corridors is permanent and cannot be altered.


A base is a collection of facilities constructed within the basement of a building. An X-Com base contains facilities that are utilized to maximise operational efficiency. At minimum, a base must contain:

  • A place to barrack troops.
  • An area to store items.

Facilities are available to enable customisation of a base to optimise a particular requirement. In general (and completely optional), some operational priorties are:

  • A strike base.
  • A biology research base.
  • A quantum physics research base.
  • A manufacturing base.

Other facilities may further enhance such operational priorities to include:

  • Emergency medical care.
  • Combat training.
  • Pionics training.
  • Craft repair.
  • Alien lifeform containment.
  • Internal defense.

X-Com has limits on how many units are possible across all bases:

  • Total quantity of units of any type = 180.
  • Sub-total of any single type of technical personel = 50.
  • Sub-total amount of any agent type = 100.
  • Other unit limits depend on the ratio of agents to technical personel, which can automatically change unexpectedly.

Start Base

At game start, a fully functional X-Com base is provided for free, including funds, troops and equipment, scientists and engineers, and a small collection of vehicles. The location of the start base is randomly chosen according to the game difficulty from the available buildings owned by the Government: you either get a warehouse or a slum building.
The start base has no operational priority. The facilities provided are in random areas. The shape of the layout may hinder efficient use of defense, living space, or other requirements.
Note: A certain Superhuman Difficulty cityscape building is structurally unsound. (restart the game until a more suitable place is provided).

Base Purchase

X-Com starts with one randomly designed base. Additional bases may be purchased (via the building+crane icon) at any time, funds permitting. The priority of choosing a new base:

  • the type of top-side structure (warehouse or slum) that will hide an X-Com base within the basement.
  • location of the access lift for defence and isolation.
  • the layout of the corridors for future expansion.
  • the surrounding area to shield your building from stray weapon impacts.
  • price.

A further consideration is the amount of launch tubes, however, since basic air vehicles can be parked at any building without using fuel, tube quantity is not important regarding how many air craft can be launched quickly.

Base Defense

An undefended X-Com base will be destroyed immediately when attacked by hostile ground forces (alien craft infiltration or raid). Move armed agent(s) to the building (Go To Building) immediately after purchase - living quarters does not need to be completed since they are visitors. If the new base is under attack and no facilities have been placed, a base defense battlescape will only contain the bare corridors and the access lift.

  • A new base should immediately have at least one (basic) security station being constructed next to the access lift.
  • If a base is lost and the layout disappears from the 'base slot', the now empty slot is forfeited. It is permanently lost as a base location!

Note: Visiting troops do not become part of the base until transferred.

Base Designs

These are suggestions, it is your choice how you build them.
A single base has a limit of six small and four large laboratory/workshop facilities, all others types have no limits. Only three security stations (twelve turrets in total) will be active during a base defence mission. If one station is completely destroyed, others beyond the original three, do not become active.
Certain layouts will influence the final operational design such as:

  • access lift location to funnel invaders through multiple security stations.
  • placement of vehicle repair bays next to an access lift to encourage invaders to escape.
  • corridors which allow multiple large facilities.
  • choke-points to ambush invaders who made it past base defence turrets.

Design Ideas

Strike Base

  • houses X-Com combat agents (training, psi, medical).
  • home of all vehicles.
  • large stores.
  • isolated repair bays next to the lift and security stations.
  • alien containment is optional.

Research Base(s)

also known as: Bio base or Quan base if specialized, or just Lab base if not.

  • contains a single type (or mix) of laboratories.
  • access lift is surrounded by three security stations.
  • multiple 2x2 corridors for later expansion to larger labs.
  • alien containment.
  • no strike base functions.

Manufacturing Base

also known as: Workshop base.

  • similiar to Research Base designs.
  • stores instead of alien containment.

Note: A base which is designed to have a specialized purpose, and the base is lost, will eliminate that functionality until another is built. If funds permit, having each base as multi-functional, will reduce the severity of losing a dedicated base.

Unconventional Tactics

If alien containment is not used at your strike base to save room:
Transporting lifeforms only:

  • land at strike base, message:'keep on board', take off and go land at your bio base, return to strike base.

Exotic items recovered:

  • land at quan base, message:'keep on board', take off and go land at your bio base, return to strike base, transfer known recovered items at quan base to strike base.

Transtellar is hostile:

  • The transfer option not available! The only way to move known exotic items is to sell them at the wrong base and then buy them at the correct base. A sell/re-buy transfer method!

Note: The 'keep on board' option is only available once per alien recovery.

Buy And Sell

If any known exotic items are moved with the sell-rebuy option, any items re-bought will immediately appear at the buy base without having to use a Transtellar Air-Trans delivery vehicle ...limiting exposure to Megapol enemy attacks. This may be an option to use always since it speeds up movement of known alien items. It does not work for non-exotic items since these will always be delivered from their respective company-owned buildings always, using the Air-Trans vehicles (which Megapol may attack if hostile to that organisation).

Equipment Transfers

If Transtellar is hostile, transfer is not possible for standard agent equipment from one base to another. It is possible to land a large squad of empty agents at one base and load them up with bulk mixed equipment which needs to be 'tranferred', then return to the relevant base and remove the items from inventory. Walking between bases is possible if people tubes are intact.
Vehicle modules can be moved with many suitable craft ferrying the needed items, however, elerium and fusion fuel cannot be moved unless there are unloaded plasma weapon or engines at the 'wrong' base.
Note: Techical personel cannot be transferred in any fashion without using Transtellar. If they are sacked, they disappear from the hire screen.

See Also