Base Facilities (TFTD)

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There are a number of base facilities that you can build at your installations. Some of these are available from the beginning of the game while more advanced facilities are gained through research. With the exception of the Airlock and the facilites you start the game with, base facilities require a certain amount of time to be built and will charge you a monthly maintenance fee on top of the initial construction cost.

All base facilities must be linked, either directly or via other base facilities, to the Airlock. While you cannot dismantle a base facility that is in use or is linking other facilities to the Airlock, it can be destroyed in the process of a Base Defense mission. If a base facility is destroyed in this way, any other base facilities that were relying on that facility as a link to the Airlock will also be destroyed. Any pieces of equipment, craft, or personnel will, however, remain in the base (despite the lack of room).

Initial Base Facilities:

Living Quarters
General Stores (TFTD)
Torpedo Defenses
Standard Sonar
Wide-Array Sonar
Sub Pen
Alien Containment

The Living Quarters, Laboratory, Workshop, General Stores, and Alien Containment facilities operate in the same manner as their Enemy Unknown counterparts.

Researchable Base Facilities:

M.C. Lab
Gauss Defenses
Sonic Defenses
PWT Defenses
Transmission Resolver
M.C. Generator
Bombardment Shield

--Bomb Bloke and Tentaculat_Commander 15:41, 4 Mar 2005 (GMT)