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Revision as of 05:35, 29 October 2007 by Zombie (talk | contribs) (Clairified.)
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If I'm understanding the findings correctly:

At 1% per hour, does this mean that the hired ships are in fact the fastest ships to recover at a potential ~24% a day? Granted that's assuming they start reparing at 00:00..., but having continuous repairs hourly seems more efficient than having repairs once per day.

This might explain why I don't mind letting my interceptors get up close and take minor damage in the early months against Large Scouts. The can take a few hits and will be back up on their feet well in time for the next UFO sighting. Not having much hull points means they won't have as much damage to repair either...

Oh well, quiet informative nonetheless.

-NKF 21:29, 28 October 2007 (PDT)

Yes and No. The hired ships don't repair any faster than the manufactured ones:
Skyranger = 1%/hour = 1 damage point/hour INT(150*0.01) = 24 damage points/day
Avenger = 2%/day = 24 damage points per day (1200*0.02)
So it's the same rate. It's just that the hired craft do the check every hour, while the manufactured ones are every day. But because the repairs for the conventionally fueled craft update more often, they will usually finish this process quicker. --Zombie 22:35, 28 October 2007 (PDT)