Realistic Equivalents

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Weapons equivalents surmised from real-life military.

Rifle - HK G36 was discussed but it could really be any modern battle rifle - MP5, AK47, M16, CAR15, G3... ( )

Pistol - SOCOM use 45ACP, aka HK MK23. Link as above.

Auto Cannon - The new 25mm XM307 OCSW could rapidly fire AP and HE grenades. No rotary barrel though it does have automatic fire. ( ) Manville 25mm is an obscure make of 18-shot revolver gun.

Heavy Cannon - MGL-MK1, revolver 6-shot 40mm grenade launcher, with HE, AP, and In grenades. & (perhaps upgraded versions could fire high-velocity grenades like the MK19 automatic grenade cannon)

Rocket Launcher - Predator Antitank Missile has been suggested. The M136 AT-4 is a disposable one-shot. The reloadable 84mm Carl Gustav (MAAWS) launcher is perhaps a closer equivalent.

Tank/Cannon - M242 Chain Gun, 25mm, "Bushmaster" (modified for single shot)

Tank/Rocket Launcher - M202 "Flash" Quad Launcher, 66mm. (2 per turret @ 4 shots each) Originally developed to disperse incendiaries but fits M-72 LAW rounds, apparently.

Grenade - Standard M67 fragmentation grenade. Note the nearest thing to our timer is "cook-off" time. Electronic fuses are possible and reliable.

Electro-flare - no equivalent. Invented because burning flares would set fires. There is a "pen gun flare" pyrotechnic. Perhaps modern LED Flashlights with a weighted case for throwing would fill the niche. or

Proximity Grenade - no equivalent. Claymore tripwires and ultrasonic sensors are possible. "SLAM Mine" appeared in Splinter Cell as the Wall Mine.

High Explosive - C4 satchel charges.

Interceptor fighter - USAF Lockheed F-22 Raptor scheduled for release 2004 will replace the F-15.

Skyranger transport - Anotov AN-72 [Cadmus]( ) or Osprey CV-22 have the right size and range

Laser weapons - no modern equivalent. General Electric?

Stun Bomb - Advanced version of Pepperballs

Medi-Kit - Stimulants and painkillers aside, Chitosan battlefield bandages clot severe bleeding wounds instantly. (Secret ingredients: ground shrimp shells and vinegar. From Slashdot.)

--JellyfishGreen 11:56, 25 Apr 2005 (BST)