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Psionic Combat

Sectoid Leaders, Sectoid Commanders, and all Ethereals, have Psionic abilities to create Panic (reduce Morale) or attempt Mind Control. Be very wary. Murphy's Law says the first soldier to succumb to Mind Control will be in the perfect position to shoot your squad in the back with a Rocket Launcher.

If an alien spots any member of your squad, even the tank, during the alien turn, the squad is at risk of attack. The weak soldiers will be targeted most often, and will likely be nicknamed "psi-puppets" by their teammates, if anyone survives.

Jasonred : If anyone who is psi-attacked survives, just fire them. It's for the best, trust me.

You won't know exactly what your soldiers' psionic resistance or skills are until you build a Psi Lab and run them through a screening process (in batches of 10). Talented soldiers (80% plus) should be trained further; they need a month of training to show improvement and probably shouldn't be in the front line missions during this time, as the training is so valuable.

Jasonred : Sending them on actual missions doesn't detract from their actual psi training. Just don't get them killed. I'm not sure whether soldiers who are still injured at the end of the month get training though.

To get Psi experience QUICK, you can equip one guy with a Psi-Amp, leave him in the Skyranger, and have him attempt to panic units every chance he gets.

Zombie's Psionic Formulas

Psionic Combat Strength = PCS = (Psi Strength) * (Psi Skill) 
Panic Defense           = PAD = [ (Psi Strength) + (Psi Skill/5) ] + 10
Mind Control Defense    = MCD = [ (Psi Strength) + (Psi Skill/5) ] + 30

Base Chance = Attacker PCS - Target PCS

The formulas were provided by Zombie and Danial from OSG. However, so far, no one has tested them in depth, and they don't seem to make sense on the surface. Example: A Psi Str 95, Skill 16 soldier vs. a Muton soldier (Psi Str 25, Skill 0) should have a success rate of approx. 1500%(?!) based on the equations, but the actual success rate is ~50%.

It's also known that distance does matter, but not how much. The stated example was done with target right next to soldier... but notice how the equation says base chance of success. ('Target PCS' is verbatim from the OSG, but is it a typo that should've said PAD or MCD? Who knows.) Perhaps distance introduces a significant reduction or divisor. Anyone who wants to test, be our guest!

Regardless, it's clear that Psi Strength plays the greatest factor in defense. Also, Panic Attacks are more likely to succeed. But Mind Control is much more... useful.

Field Manual Addendum: February 2000: Psionics

A brief working theory:

The psionic research group has theorized a "conchfield", or field of consciousness, is put forth by all sentient beings. The scientists speculate that this field exists as an energy on a plane coexistant with our own space but undetectable by Earth technology. They refer to this as "conchspace".

Normally the patterns of a conchfield are individual and isolated. They rise and fall with the electrical brain waves we can measure. No two conchfields can physically superimpose because they are tied to separate minds and bodies in our own space which cannot superimpose. However, there is also some energy which can travel freely in this conchspace and interact with conchfields. Whether by some geometry of conchspace or of our own space, if this energy is continually exchanged between two conchfields, the conchfields start to synchronize patterns.

It is speculated that occasionally this "standing wave" effect occurs naturally, and this has given rise to limited and fleeting psychic phenomena dismissed as superstition.

However the alien technology gives the additional power and control to turn this phenomena into a useful tactical advantage.

Mind Probe:

These allow an impression of a subject conchfield to be briefly superimposed on the operator. The transmission is mostly one-way and usually the subject has a brief sensation of an altered state or a wider consciousness but is not otherwise affected. The information gathered is stored in the mind probe until accessed. This can convey information as general as a feeling of high morale to as specific as the subject's last assessment of their armour. The operator must know the physical location of the subject to within a meter. The probe takes several seconds (50% TU) to perform its scan so patience is required. No psychic strength or training is required to use this unique device.

Squads report successfully approaching and capturing an alien with no resistance after first determining its fatigued state with a mind probe.

Psionic Amplifiers:

The "Psi-Amp" or psionic amplifier can set up a feedback loop between two conchfields so that the operator can attempt to tranfer thought between their own mind and the target. The physical location of the target must be known to within a meter. The operator must be trained and powerful enough to overcome psychic resistance of the target.

The amplifier is geared for two forms of psionic attack, the first a projected feeling of fear, apprehension, or panic and the second a near-total control of the subject's mind and body. (See Mind Control.) The subject usually perceives this as a change in their instincts or low-level desires that leads them to change their higher-level behavior, similar to hypnosis. The subject may be behaving completely counter to the norm, such as preparing to fire on their own forces, but as their own sense of self is being suppressed, they may not even be aware they are behaving strangely. The subject's companions, on the other hand, can recognize the change almost immediately. Symptoms include vacant stares, inappropriate emotions or lack of emotion, and unresponsiveness.

The subject's perceptions are also fed back to the user, allowing them in effect to look out through the subject's eyes. This on its own gives the user a tactical advantage if they can gain knowledge of how their opponent has deployed their forces, and also allows them to locate and choose additional subjects.

The aliens have implants that perform the role of the Psi-Amp so this item must be manufactured rather than recovered from the battlefield.


The psionic training facility uses "ganzfield" sensory blockers, a sensitive psionic receiver, and a fixed version of the psiamp. The electronics recognize the projection of a trainee and provide auditory feedback through the headset. The trainee attempts to project their impressions of this tone along with their other thoughts. The stronger the feedback loop, the stronger the audio tone. Half of this feedback loop is thus psionic and the return half electronic.

Training consists of both projecting and resisting - projecting is attempting to establish a feedback loop with a remote field, and resisting is attempting to break a feedback loop initiated by a remote field. In combat this corresponds to attack and defence. Psionic skill in attacking is also developed by moving the target, which forces the trainee to be effective in rapidly translating between normal space and consciousness space and performing the projection accurately. Defence depends mainly on psionic strength, a passive ability.

Each station is screened from the others. The headset also muffles external noise. Special goggles flood the eyes with a soft red light. It is in this sensory deprived trance state that projection comes most easily. As the trainee becomes more skilled at initiating and establishing an interface with the psiamp, the sensory deprivation equipment can be reduced and eventually removed. Soldiers are then able to go into this trance state without aid in the field.

This training serves to both screen soldiers for latent psionic ability and to exercise that ability. For several weeks, even the best soldiers may not be able to grasp what is asked of them, so a full month is required for proper evaluation. Psionically gifted soldiers are of course extremely valuable assets. Due to the high casualty rate of XCOM, commanders have recommended that the soldiers undergoing training should be given less hazardous duties or taken off active duty for that month, until at least a preliminary screening report is available.


Psionically strong but unskilled soldiers can be used in any scouting or fire support role. As per standard doctrine, they should relay all information about the position of the enemy as efficiently as possible; this allows both support fire and psionic attacks to be brought to bear.

Psionically skilled and strong soldiers should be kept out of direct combat to allow them to concentrate on using the psionic amplifier. They do not need to leave the landing craft to carry out their duties, so leave them here unless the craft is under attack.

It may be useful to assign them an aide who can evaluate targets with the Mind Probe and help determine the best use of a psionic attack. It's strategically better to have a strong operator with a good chance of Mind Control rather than bothering with panic attacks by weaker operators - unless you have the psi-amps to spare.

Preferred targets would be higher-ranking units, psychically capable units, or heavy weapons units. It is possible to control any alien, including the psionically controlled robotic units. Some skilled psionic operators have had success with simply attempting control of every alien encountered and disarming them, then using the controlled alien as a scout to determine the next target unit, then taking the next target unit and leaving the previous unit for a mop-up squad.[1]

Easiest actions with a controlled unit are movement and firing or dropping the held weapon. It is possible but tricky to do more. (see Alien Inventory Bug under Exploits.)

[1] A bunch of unarmed aliens released in front of a firing squad is ideal for Reaction Training. For best results, give the firing squad the weakest gun possible - the pistol (26 AP damage). Or laser pistol (46 laser damage), if you don't want to mess with ammo (and the 80-item limitation).

Countering psionic attacks and tactics:


The former doctrine on psionically attacked soldiers also applies to soldiers who have been psionically screened. Namely, soldiers weak in psi-strength or who have become victims of psionic attack should be sacked or re-assigned at the earliest opportunity for the safety of the rest of the squad. If retained on active duty they should never be knowingly sent on missions against psionic capable aliens. Veteran soldiers who are psionically weak but otherwise worth keeping can be assigned to a secondary craft or interception base, strictly for use on missions against Mutons and other non-psionic aliens.

JellyfishGreen: I tried jotting down the names of the puppets as a reminder to fire them later.


Zombie's experimental results tell us the soldier with the lowest psi-strength is always chosen as the victim in a psionic attack, even if he's out of line-of-sight of either enemy or ally. The game AI is skipping any LOS requirement. - Psi-puppet soldiers should NOT be used as spotters. Disarm them as soon as possible, preferentially before the mission.

If such soldiers are deployed against psionic capable aliens, they may still have use in limited roles. Do not give them any weapons or grenades. Well, maybe smoke grenades.

  • 1) Unarmed medic or equipment operator. If controlled, they cannot injure other soldiers, but they may be shot on sight by other soldiers. If panicked, they'll drop the equipment.
  • 2) Non-lethal weaponry. Stun Rods or stun guns again prevent injury of other soldiers but the risk of control and loss of tactical advantage remains.
  • 3) Decoy. The unarmed soldier lets themself get mind-controlled rather than shot. If they are under mind control, the soldier will often be spared by the alien. Every mind-control attack on the "decoy" is one less attack on the rest of the squad and one more psionic alien kept busy. Note your other soldiers may shoot a controlled decoy on sight, and the aliens will shoot a panicked decoy on sight. An extremely risky tactic for the soldier but survival can be extended by blockading the decoy into a closet with other soldiers or tanks and turning your back to them.

If there are two or more psionic aliens, you may need more decoys.

Roll with it.

Kamikaze tactics have also been used but cannot be recommended here.

HWP's can continue to be used in all roles against psionic capable forces as they are immune.

Heavy Support Weaponry (Blaster Launchers, Rocket Launchers) should only be assigned to soldiers with high psionic strength to prevent its counteruse.

If all forces are equipped with Power Suit, which is proof against light ballistic weaponry, standard rifles and pistols can be freely issued with little risk of lethality even if counterused. Note Ethereals are less affected by these weapons than Sectoids.

- JFG, with credits to the adventurous NKF-sensei whose field reports I freely draw from. --JellyfishGreen 14:50, 19 Apr 2005 (BST)

-Jasonred: In fact, you can safely issue them Laser Pistols if you're all armed with Flying Suits, possibly Powered Armor is enough. And as duly noted, Laser Weapons are Not Too Shabby.

-MikeTheRed: In my experience, laser pistols can hurt you in flying suits. Specifically, if you're shot in the back. So they are great for "firing squads" (all your guys facing MC'd aliens), but not when aliens might MC you. (And don't turn your back when doing a firing squad!)

-NKF: " Just to add to this, a laser pistol, with 46 laser, does between 0 - 92 damage (See: Damage Formula). Therefore, only your front plates will be truly invulnerable to laser pistol damage. On the other hand, you have a chance of being damaged from pretty much every other direction, and you cannot always guarantee that you'll be facing your attacker at all times.

The only real consolation is that laser pistols won't kill you outright for each hit, but lots of little hits can indeed build up to a lot of damage. I'd much rather recommend an autocannon/HE or the standard pistols/rifles for this exercise. Direct hits from the ACHE can probably cause a tiny amount of damage, but the ammo will not be unlimited like the laser pistol, and the autocannon is also the slowest burst weapon in the game, despite its name, which gives you time to get away and seek cover. Another bonus is that it works a lot better on superhuman ethereals than the pistol/rifle! "

See Also



Mind Shield

Mind Probe


Molecular Control