UFO Crash Recovery

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Revision as of 15:25, 14 October 2005 by JellyfishGreen (talk | contribs) (pasted mission record)
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Exercise caution - There may be operatives in the UFO or around the crash site. Mission will be successful when all enemy units have been eliminated or neutralised. Recovery of UFO remains, artefacts and alien corpses can then be initiated.

Clearing a landing site with JFG

Here's one I was so proud of I took notes. This was about Dec 2003. Nothing really weird here, but just went really professionally, without losing anybody. May I present:

  • Sectoid, large scout crash, farm in california, early evening, Superhuman difficulty.
  • 8 soldiers and a rocket tank respond.

Loosely numbered turn-by-turn, actually event-by-event.


0. Successfully deployed in circle around Skyranger with no sightings.
1. Tank scouts first. Alien sighting by tank. Squaddies do 2-stage alien grenade relay. Takes out a hidden alien and part of a wall as well as the target (2 kills)
2. Tank sights a second alien, fires rocket, misses. Squaddie takes armed grenade, approaches, then crouches behind tank before throwing. (Out of sight so no reaction fire.) (3rd kill)
3. Scout (with RE of 60) moves in a different direction, spots one and freezes. Support sniper with rifle takes the shot (FA of 64, 87% chance) and hits. (4th kill)
4. Tank sights a third among the stables and stops. Squaddies manage to land a grenade in the area. (5th kill)
5. Aliens' turn, tank is shot at and responds with rocket fire. (6th kill)
6. Scout found one, support sniper hits but does not get a kill. A tossed HE pack misses, and no-one is in range to add a grenade. End of turn. Alien does not kill scout; sniper is successful on next turn. (7th kill)
7. Tank flushes an alien but is blocking support fire. It moves to clear the line of fire and is slightly damaged by reaction fire by doing so. Support fire takes out the alien. (8th kill)
8. Team finishes sweep and gathers at UFO door for a breach. At the start of the breach turn, the tank fires a rocket into the diagonal walls forming the inside corner of the cross. This kills one alien (9th kill)
9. Craft is filled with smoke. Two additional corpses are seen. The second squaddie in has enough TU's to push forward into the hollowed out centre; he sees an alien at the bridge of the ship and freezes. Third, fourth, and fifth breachers take up kneeling positions inside the door and start shooting at the alien through the smoke cloud; the third shot drops it. (10th kill)

Score sheet

Alien kills registered - 9
Corpses - 9
Captured aliens - 1 (soldier rank)
Artifacts - 41
Alloys - 31
Nav consoles - 2
(Engines destroyed in crash)
Soldiers KIA/MIA - none!
Final score 275.

See Also