Field Manual: Deployment

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The squad commander upon landing must perform the following actions:

  • Assess the characteristics of the landing zone, namely the terrain and any natural / artificial obstacles around the Skyranger.
  • Identify all hostiles in the vicinity of the transport that might endanger the landing operation
  • Deploy forces to engage and neutralize them, taking attention to both flanks of the transport and also the area around the cockpit.
  • Establish a safety perimeter around the craft by the use of smoke covers, maintaining proper distance between the squad members and securing the rear of the squad.



The fireteams that are the first to deploy have one of the most hazardous duties on the battlefield. Upon landing their immediate task is to eliminate any hostile opposition that is directly facing the ramp of the transport. Their actions are determined by the following list of conditions:

  1. Enemy in front of the ramp and directly looking at it - fire one round them move one square to the front and another to the next to the side to clear the ramp. If there isn't any read #2.
  2. Enemy in front of the ramp but facing another direction - do not fire to avoid reaction shots that might hit personnel inside the transport! (unless they have already fired) - move one square to the front and another to the side to clear the ramp and read #3.
  3. Enemy on another location and facing the ramp. Fire one/two rounds but make sure that there's enough TUs to clear the square right next to the ramp by moving to another direction.
  4. Enemy on another location but not facing the ramp. Engage only after all enemies on #1, #2 and #3 have been eliminated. If there are several hostiles then engage first the dangerous one - the closest and heavily armed.
  5. No hostiles visible near the transport - the soldiers should start scouting the area near the Skyranger.


If condition #5 applies the rest of the soldiers might start disembarking the transport and widen the perimeter around the transport. If any aliens are detected they must be eliminated as soon as possible. In case the front row fireteam has been taken out by the aliens, the next team becomes the front row team and must act accordingly to the previous list of conditions. If there's insufficient lightning the back soldiers must deploy electroflares to the area surrounding the transport. Also if there's a heavy enemy presence close to the landing zone, it's recommended the use of smoke covers.


If there's an HWP present on the transport then it should be deployed according to 1003.3.1.4 and used to scout and spot all hostiles while drawing fire from them. After it has finished moving them the soldiers can disembark using 2001.2. procedures.


After the landing area has been successfully cleared of any enemy opposition the squad can reorganized to perform its mission. At this point there are two major factors that should be taken into account: a quick dispersal of the squad members to maintain safety distances and the position of the landing zone.


The location of the landing (LZ) zone on the area of operations is a major factor in determining the direction to which the squad must be deployed. The rear of the squad should be set against one of the ends of the map to prevent any rear attacks by hostiles as it moves forward to complete its mission. but it can be either easy or difficult, depending on the location of the LZ.

2003-1.1 CORNER LZ

It's when the Skyranger lands on one of the corners of the tactical map and is the position most easy to secure since there are only two directions from which enemy contact can be expected. To establish a safety perimeter the squad must have cleared the corner of any hostiles, allowing it to afterwards start moving towards the rest of the battlefield.

2003-1.2 SIDE LZ

When the Skyranger is positioned next to one of the sides of the map, it protects one side of the squad against possible attacks but it still leaves three others open. After the squad has successfully exited the transport, it is recommended that the squad set a half circle perimeter as it pushes forward.

2003-1.3 CENTRAL LZ

The hardest landing zone since hostile attacks can be expected from all directions. After clearing the landing site of aliens, the closest edge of the map should be located by the scouts and secured. Then the squad can manoeuvre in the opposite direction, with that side being the rear and using the half-circle mentioned on the previous topic.