Plasma Rifle (EU2012)

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  • Highly efficient and deadly primary weapon.


Plasma Rifle
Property Info
Requires: Plasma Rifle research
Cost: ?
Grey Market Value: N/A
Base Damage 7
Critical Damage 10
Effective Range Medium
Reaction Range 27
Critical Chance 10%


Any relevant information such as where the item is equipped, how it can be used, or information about damage/abilities. Listing of foundry upgrades have been here as well.

Research results: "It took an extensive effort by the research team to reduce the considerable mass of the larger alien plasma rifle. By replacing the outer frame components with composite materials, we've managed to substantially reduce the weight, without compromising the weapon's power output or accuracy. These reductions did coincide with the added heft of a larger power supply, but we still managed to net an overall reduction of several kilograms. The substantial increases in firing rate and overall damage output versus our other prototype variants also required some additional modifications to the integrated Elerium power cell. The end result of this work is a highly advanced, mobile plasma discharge weapon that improves on nearly all aspects of the conventional X-9 rifle. I believe the engineering team is now on standby to begin production of this weapon at your discretion. Any alien rifles recovered from the field can also be modified for our own use following the techniques we've developed."

See Also

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