Officer Training School (Long War)

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HQ Long War.jpg
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Officer Training School

Compared to Vanilla X-Com Enemy Unknown/Within, the Officer Training school has changed dramatically. Many of the Vanilla upgrades have been removed and instead replaced with Officer Upgrades. In addition, upgrades are unlocked based on the cumulative ranks of soldiers (Living and dead) during the game, instead of the old system of simply getting one soldier to a specific rank. An example of this being, Squad Size 1 requiring a certain number of rank ups before being unlocked.


Squad Size 1 Increases the maximum squad size by one additional Soldier, Shiv or MEC

Requires: N/A

Squad Size 2 Increases the maximum squad size by one additional Soldier, Shiv or MEC

Requires: N/A

Tactical Officers Allows the promotion of Lieutenants from your soldier roster

Requires: N/A

Company Officers Allows the promotion of Captains from your soldier roster

Requires: N/A

Field Officers Allows the promotion of Majors from your soldier roster

Requires: N/A

Regimental Officers Allows the promotion of Colonels from your soldier roster

Requires: N/A

Commanding Officer Allows the promotion of a Field Commander from your soldier roster

Requires: N/A