Star God Novice (Piratez)

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This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99E.3. The latest version is v.N1.

Star God Novice
Time Units 49
Stamina 96
Health 45
Bravery 80
Reactions 65
Firing Accuracy 65
Melee Accuracy 30
Throwing Accuracy 10
Strength 10
VooDoo Skill 40
VooDoo Strength 50

Armor: Front 20
Armor: Sides 20
Armor: Rear 20
Armor: Under 20
Evasion None
Aggression 0
Intelligence 7
Night Vision 30
Energy Recovery 50
Stun Recovery 3

The Star Gods - Star God Novice

2X2 Unit? No
Height Standing 20
Size Invisible
Bleed Immune? Yes
Ransom $60,000
Score 20

Resistances & Vulnerabilities
Charm Piercing Burn Concussive Laser Plasma Daze Cutting Chem Choking Anti-E511 Bio Electric EMP Warp Mind Heat Cold
{{{charm}}}% 100% {{{burn}}}% 100% 90% 60% {{{daze}}}% 100% 100% 0% {{{anti-e511}}}% {{{bio}}}% {{{electric}}}% {{{emp}}}% {{{warp}}}% {{{mind}}}% {{{heat}}}% {{{cold}}}%


Star God Novice

We tried to interrogate that hooded weirdo we've captured, and I'm telling you, it was hard! He almost made the brainers kill one another! And it turns out we succeeded only because we caught one of their youngest, a novice in their order, who eventually succumbed to our diplomatic wiles. But even such a novice commands deadly magics and that's why the Star Gods never use any real weapons. Another lesson is, unless we devise powerful a VooDoo of our own, it's better not to try interrogating more powerful captives.

Source: Piratez Bootypedia


Associated Research

Raw Ruleset Data

     tu: 49
     stamina: 96
     health: 45
     bravery: 80
     reactions: 90
     firing: 65
     throwing: 10
     strength: 10
     psiStrength: 70
     psiSkill: 35
     melee: 30
   standHeight: 20
   kneelHeight: 15
   value: 20
   deathSound: 9
   moveSound: 15
   intelligence: 7
   energyRecovery: 50
   aggression: 0     
   spotter: -1
   livingWeapon: true


Camouflage: 5/5