Terminal (Chimera)

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Terminal is a human former Resistance combat medic. She uses an SMG and Gremlin medical drone. She has many abilities to heal and support friendlies, though she will need to rely on her allies to deal damage for her.

Rank Ability
Agent Safeguard
Terminal sends the Gremlin to an ally to restore 4 HP, cleanse burning, acid and poison, and grant 20 defense. Does not end turn.
Hack Door
Terminal can use her Gremlin to open secure doors for breaches.
Deputy Agent Refresh
The Gremlin heals all allies at this breach point for 2 HP. One use per mission.
Field Agent Sustain
If Terminal takes enough damage to begin bleeding out, she is instead reduced to 1 HP and immediately enters Stasis for 1 turn. One use per mission.
Pin Down
Terminal shoots non-damaging suppressive fire at a target to push their turn down the timeline. 2 turn cooldown.
Special Agent Cooperation
Terminal coordinates with a nearby unimpaired ally to grent them an immediate bonus action. 3 turn cooldown..
Senior Agent Armor System
Safeguard provides +1 Armor to the protected unit.
Terminal heals to full at the end of every encounter.
Principal Agent Second Wind

The Gremlin heals the whole squad, curing negative status effects and stabilizing downed allies. One use per mission.

Training (Special Agent) Unlock Potential

+1 utility item slot.

Training (Principal Agent) Guardian

Overwatch triggers for multiple targets, as long as ammo is available.