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Revision as of 14:06, 28 February 2007 by Sfnhltb (talk | contribs) (→‎Structure: filled in how XCOM.DAT accumulates score, and changed the part about negatives not being used, which they can be for XCOM)
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This file contains information on the activity of aliens in both countries and regions. The same format is used for XCOM.DAT only it obviously applies to XCOM activity in the area.


The format is rather tedious and the best line width is 124 bytes, which will cover an entire month of both Countries and Regions. There are a total of 12 months stored in this file. Each value is stored in 4 bytes in the usual low then high manner. It is signed and will go negative after FF FF FF 7F (0x7FFFFFFF in normal notation), for ALIEN.DAT negative values will not occur, but they are possible in the XCOM.DAT when missions go bad.

The first record contains this month's information. The second last month's and so on. Each UFO adds one to the appropriate territory it is over on each 30 minute update period, so a score of 100 would indicate UFOs spent 50 hours (roughly) over that territory in the month. If it is over a specific country, it will also add one to that counter each 30 minutes, as well as incrementing the territory.

For XCOM a different way of ranking activity is used, based on scoring - for example shooting down a very small ufo (100 points) in the UK would add 100 to UK, and 100 to Europe, downing the same craft would get 50, and completing a 25 point mission would gain 25 in both the UK and Europe. Negative values would also be added, decreasing the score and potentially making it negative (shows as 0 on graph, but is actually stored as negative number internally).

These offsets were completely ripped from Hatfarm's website, with some rearrangement to aid look-up (hopefully)

dec (hex)
Area Name Offset
dec (hex)
Area Name
0 (0x0)USA 68 (0x44)Arctic
4 (0x4)Russia 72 (0x48)Antarctica
8 (0x8)UK 76 (0x4C)South America
12 (0xC)France 80 (0x50)Europe
16 (0x10)Germany 84 (0x54)North Africa
20 (0x14)Italy 88 (0x58)Southern Africa
24 (0x18)Spain 92 (0x5C)Central Asia
28 (0x1C)China 96 (0x60)Southeast Asia
32 (0x20)Japan 100 (0x64)Siberia
36 (0x24)India 104 (0x68)Australasia
40 (0x28)Brazil 108 (0x6C)Pacific
44 (0x2C)Australia 112 (0x70)North Atlantic
48 (0x30)Nigeria 116 (0x74)South Atlantic
52 (0x34)South Africa 120 (0x78)Indian Ocean
56 (0x38)Egypt

See Also