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Una gran proporción del equipo más importante que puedes usar contra la amenaza alienígena debe ser fabricado' en lugar de comprado. Al comenzar el juego, la base inicial tiene un Taller y algunos Ingenieros que pueden trabajar en el. Lo que no hay, es algo que fabricar. Para tener algo, es necesario Investigar algunas tecnologías. Fabricación puede llegar a ser una de las claves de la organización, tanto para equipar a tus soldados como para obtener considerables ganancias económicas

Como fabricar

Para fabricar algo, necesitaras ciertas cosas en una base.

  • Un taller funcional. La base inicial tiene uno, pero si quieres fabricar algo en otras bases, tendras que construir uno en ellas.
  • Al menos un Ingeniero (preferentemente unos cuantos) en la base
  • Haber investigado una o mas tecnologías que permitan construir algo
  • Suficiente dinero y materias primas para construir al menos un ejemplar de lo que quieras producir

Si tienes estas cosas, entonces ve a la pantalla de administración de bases desde la vista planetaria (Geoscape), selecciona la base y elije la opción "Fabricar". Desde allí podrás elegir comenzar una "Nueva Producción", o si ya estas produciendo algo, modificar las ordenes a ese respecto.

Nueva Producción

Al seleccionar la opción de Nueva Producción, veras una lista de todo lo que puedes fabricar en esta base, que no este siendo fabricado en el momento.

Una vez que hayas seleccionado que fabricar, la pantalla de información describe los requerimientos, costos y tiempos para ese elemento en particular. Basándote en el numero de ingenieros disponibles y en la cantidad de horas/ingeniero que se muestran, podrás estimar el tiempo total de producción.

El area de trabajo requerida se cuenta contra los 50 espacios disponibles por Taller, y cada ingeniero asignado usa otro espacio. Por lo tanto, un elemento que requiere 8 espacios, deja lugar disponible para asignar hasta 42 Ingenieros a la tarea de producción. Por supuesto que el tener varios talleres o varias tareas de producción simultanea afectan estos números.

También se ve el costo, tanto en dinero como en materiales especiales que se usaran durante la producción, algunos de los cuales pueden ser considerablemente caros y difíciles de conseguir. Si tienes suficiente dinero y materiales para producir por lo menos un ejemplar del elemento seleccionado, la opción de Comenzar Fabricación estará disponible. De no ser así, solo podrá cancelar la producción.

Start Production

At this point you should be shown how many engineers you have available, and how much workspace. Normally you will want to assign all your engineers to the task, as long as they can all fit into the workshop, as normally it is not efficient to produce two different types of item at once. Next select the number of units to produce, remembering that every one of them will take the monetary and raw materials cost from your account and stores when the engineers get around to starting producing it. Note that you can order as many as you like at this point, it does not check you have the resources for it, but you will have to have to ensure you transfer or recover the necessary items or money before they are needed before the engineers or the production run will stop.

Note that items become available to you as soon as the individual item is finished, you don't have to wait until the production run ends and then get a lot at once, they trickle through as they are completed. You only get notified when the entire run is complete though, not when each individual item is done.

Also as a warning - as soon as you press Ok to start production your engineers will immediately order all the necessary parts and bring the required special materials from your stores, even if you cancel the run immediately these will all be used up - only for the first item of course, but it pays to be sure you are making the right thing before you press ok, you don't want to be caught making Heavy Plasma guns when you meant to be making Plasma Beams, for instance.

Modifying An Existing Production Run

Once you have one or more manufacturing projects in progress you will see the details of it on the main manufacturing screen. It shows the number of engineers assigned, the amount produced so far, how many are left to go, the cost per unit (but not the special materials needed), and the amount of days and hours until the entire batch will be completed.

If you want to change the details of a production run, simply click on it to show a screen similar to when you started production that allows you to reassign engineers, shorten or lengthen the production run, or stop production altogether. Note that if you stop production it will lose the money and materials used in the currently in progress item, so you might want to finish the last one, or just reassign all the engineers and leave the project to be continued later - note that this takes up extra workshop space, so you might not always want to do this and just take the loss.

What To Produce?

Obviously you are limited to what you have researched, so what you want to produce at any time changes rapidly as new technologies become available to you. Before you get hold of some alien technology and research it you have three main choices that you can get into production in the first week or so, Medi-Kits can be important to stop your soldiers dying of their wounds on the battlefield, Motion Scanners can be useful to avoid your soldiers getting wounded on the battlefield in the first place, and Laser Weapons such as the Pistol and Rifle can help you wound the enemy much more effectively, so they all must be considered.

If your scientists are being very effective, or you have just hired loads of them, then you will often find a backlog of demands coming from your soldiers, pilots and base personnel for all sorts of items, and you may need to look at expanding your production facilities with more workshops and engineers, either at the same base or another. At this point you may regret it if you haven't planned ahead for this moment as a new Workshops take 32 days to build, as well as the $800k it costs, plus an extra 50 Engineers come in at $2.5 million, and these will need new Living Quarters to house them. It is a good idea to get ahead of the curve and plan for this time lag and expenditure spike as soon as your scientists start building up a large list of items you can produce.

Show Me The Money

One key thing to be aware of, particularly later on in your struggle, is that there are a number of items in the production list that can be produced for a potentially significant amount of profit when sold to various shady private individuals that approach you. Once you are at this stage, you may wish to consider which items you can make most profitable.

See Also