Mods (EU2012)

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Revision as of 12:36, 13 October 2012 by Miscoman (talk | contribs)
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This is the place for mods or for suggested improvements to things that currently function but would be "better" a different way.

In-base Menu Buttons
  • Current: Buttons on menus like soldier characteristics, on the build buttons for Engineering and Foundry, on arrow buttons for Gray Market all seem to be "touchy" in that you have to hover over just the right spot to engage the button. For soldier attributes and Engineering/Foundry buttons it seems the clicking area hovers slightly up and right. Also, the right-pointing menu buttons all shift left or right when going from 9 to 10 or 10 to 9 quantity.
  • Suggestions: Improve the clicking area of the button and set the buttons so they don't move as the number of digits in the quantity changes.
Rookie psionics
  • Current: Rookies who have psionics get a diamond-shaped emblem like other Classes, but with a question mark. However, the emblem is white rather than having the purple glow normally shown for Squaddies+ who have psionics.
  • Suggestions: Something more polished than the question mark would look nice and a purple glow would make it consistent with the rest of your squad.
Situation Room layout
  • Current: The Situation Room menu at the top drops down and covers the UK and Russia panic levels.
  • Suggestions: Allow the menu to fold up and hide. Move the menu elsewhere on the screen to fit in with the rest of the Situation Room.
Mission Control zoom-out
  • Current: Right clicking while in the "scan" view takes you out of Mission Control, first by rotating to the flat side-on view and then by zooming out to the rest of the base. If you click on another facility's menu button before the camera starts zooming straight backward from the Globe, it seems to cancel and rotate back into the Globe. This only happens with Engineering and the Barracks.
  • Suggestions: Don't show the other facility's buttons until the rotation is complete and zoom out begins. Fix code to allow a quick click while rotating before the zoom out. Remind players to be patient.
Mission prep
  • Current: When you go to the Hangar to prep for a mission, it's harder to click around and view your soldiers or change their loadout. For example, you might have to edit the chosen soldier's loadout to remove a special item, click back out and remove that soldier, click back into the list to choose the soldier you want, edit their loadout, and then click back out to the squad. You could click all the way back out to the barracks, do all your editing, and then go back through Mission Control to the mission prep and eventually the hangar's launch mission screen.
  • Suggestions: Make the barracks mechanics useable for mission prep. I'd like to be able to scroll through all my soldiers in their loadout screen, move items around to the ones I'm taking on the mission, back out only a click or two, and be ready to launch mission. It would also be nice because I could see their abilities and choose which soldiers to mix and match with relative ease rather than have to either memorize their individual builds or keeping going all the way back to the Barracks.
New maps

A farm like the old XCOM. A multi-story building with many levels and stairways (could be a good VIP rescue map).

Base dynamics

While you see the base grow with facilities, it would be neat to see more people or items laying around as you build them. Maybe every 5 Engineers or Scientists pops up a new NPC so over time it looks like things are getting busy. Or, as you hire soldiers the Barracks fill up. Build a SHIV and see one sitting in the corner of the Foundry, Maybe see some weapons laying around the Armory.

Equipment Control

  • Current: You cannot equip certain classes anything other than their class weapons.
  • Suggestion: Giving the possibility to equip any weapon to any soldier but with penalties to a non-class weapon.