Options (OpenXcom)

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OpenXcom options screen.gif

OpenXcom has a variety of game settings that can be customized through the Options screen in the Main Menu. These options are global and take effect instantly after pressing OK. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but just in case you can get more details on these sections:

Options File

For the more advanced among you, OpenXcom stores its options in a options.cfg YAML file stored in the User folder, which can be easily edited with any text editor. You can also pass them as command line arguments in the form "-<option name> <option value>". These include the options shown in the Options screen as well as other advanced options.

WARNING: Invalid values can cause incorrect behaviour or game crashes. Options that accept true/false are marked by "When enabled", options that accept a range of numbers have this listed in brackets after their description, and options that accept a numeric flag have bullets to describe the functionality of each option.

Option Description Default
autosave When enabled, the game is autosaved every ten Geoscape days and five Battlescape turns to dedicated slots. true
autosaveFrequency Autosaves the game every X amount of Battlescape turns. 5
captureMouse When enabled, the mouse cursor is locked to the window. false
changeValueByMouseWheel The amount to increase/decrease a value when scrolling the mouse wheel over increase/decrease buttons. 0


When enabled, the mouse cursor can move into the black bands added by letterboxing.


debug When enabled, provides features to make it easier for developers/contributors to debug their work. See Debug Mode. false
debugUi When enabled, shows text borders in UI elements to make it easier for developers/translators to debug their work. false
dragScrollTimeTolerance Amount of milliseconds the mouse needs to be pressed to trigger a Drag Scroll. 300
dragScrollPixelTolerance Amount of pixels the mouse needs to be moved after pressing to trigger a Drag Scroll. 10
FPS Limits the game to this many frames per second. Doesn't apply when Vsync is used. 60
fpsCounter When enabled, shows an FPS Counter on the top-left of the screen. false
keyboardMode Keyboard input mode for typing in text boxes..
  • 0 = No keyboard, use the arrow keys to type (arcade style).
  • 1 = Use the system keyboard to type.
  • 2 = Pops up a virtual keyboard to type (not implemented).
key* (...various options starting with this prefix) Stores the keyboard controls.
language Filename of the language loaded at startup. en-US
maximizeInfoScreens When enabled, info screens are always shown at the original resolution instead of using the base resolution setting. false
mousewheelSpeed Specifies the amount of lines scrolled by the mousewheel. 3
newSeedOnLoad When enabled, uses a new seed for the random number generator instead of the one saved to a save file. The game saves the seed of its random number generator to the save files, so normally a shot's result is the same even if the saved game is reloaded. With a new seed the game re-randomises a shot's chance of success. false
pauseMode Controls how the game behaves when it loses focus (eg. minimized or alt-tabbed).
  • 0,1 = Continue running normally on loss of focus.
  • 2 = Slow down the game on loss of focus.
  • 3 = Pause completely on loss of focus.
playIntro When enabled, plays the intro cinematic on startup. true
saveOrder Controls the order in which saved games are displayed in the save/load game menus.
  • 0 Ascending name order, i.e. A to Z.
  • 1 Descending name order, i.e. Z to A.
  • 2 Ascending date order, i.e. oldest saves first.
  • 3 Descending date order, i.e. newest saves first.
allowResize When enabled and the game is in windowed mode, the game resolution can be dynamically resized by changing the window size. false
asyncBlit When enabled, the display surface uses asynchronous updates. This will usually slow down blitting on single CPU machines, but may provide a speed increase on SMP systems. true


The Battlescape's base resolution in pixels, you can think of it as the "viewport", so changing this would let you see more at once. 320




The Geoscape's base resolution in pixels, you can think of it as the "viewport", so changing this would let you see more at once. 320




The game's base resolution in pixels, you can think of it as the "viewport", so changing this would let you see more of the Geoscape/Battlescape at once. 320


borderless When enabled, the game is displayed without a window frame when playing in windowed mode. false


Display resolution in pixels. The game will scale the base resolution to fit this value, so it should be greater than or equal to baseXResolution x baseYResolution. 640


fullscreen When enabled, the game will run in fullscreen mode as opposed to windowed mode.

NOTE: The display might become distorted or clipped in fullscreen if your device doesn't support the specified resolution.

keepAspectRatio When enabled, letterboxes the display to maintain the original aspect ratio. false
maxFrameSkip Specifies the maximum amount of frames the game can skip rendering. 0


When running in windowed mode, forces the game window to start in the specified position in pixels. Use -1 to have the OS decide the window position. -1


useHQXFilter When enabled, applies a rendering filter that smoothes out diagonal edges, making the game look less pixelated. This setting is only compatible with 320x200, 640x400 and 960x600 resolutions, and useOpenGL must be disabled. false
useScaleFilter When enabled, passes the game through a software Scale2x filter. This option achieves similar results to useHQXFilter but with less overhead and slightly less quality. This setting is only compatible with 320x200, 640x400 and 960x600 resolutions, and useOpenGL must be disabled. false
useOpenGL When enabled, uses OpenGL hardware rendering and enables the following OpenGL options: false
checkOpenGLErrors When enabled, logs all errors returned by OpenGL. false
useOpenGLShader Selects which GLSL rendering filter to apply when the useOpenGL option is enabled. This option takes a path relative to the OpenXcom Data Folder as an argument. OpenXcom comes packaged with some filters in the data\Shaders folder which are described earlier in Display Filter. Shaders/Openxcom.OpenGL.shader
useOpenGLSmoothing When enabled, the game will use linear interpolation instead of nearest-neighbour pixel scaling when no shader is specified. true
vSyncForOpenGL When enabled, puts OpenGL into vertical synchronisation mode, ensuring the FPS do not exceed your monitor's refresh rate, preventing tearing and excessive hardware demand, but may cause slower animations. true
audioBitDepth Bit depth of the output audio. Only change this if you know what you're doing! 16
audioSampleRate Sample rate (in Hz) of the output audio. Only change this if you know what you're doing! 22050
musicAlwaysLoop Forces every music track to loop, including the Main Menu and Win/Lose tracks. false
musicVolume Background music volume (0-128). 128
preferredMusic Preferred background music format:
  • 0 = Auto - Picks the best available format in the following order:
  • 1 = 1.4 Format
  • 2 = 1.0 Format
preferredSound Preferred sound FX format.
  • 0 = Auto - Picks the best available format in the following order:
  • 1 = FLAC
  • 2 = OGG
  • 3 = MP3
  • 4 = MOD
  • 5 = WAV
  • 6 = Adlib
  • 7 = MIDI
soundVolume Sound FX volume (0-128). 128
uiVolume User interface volume (0-128). 128
aggressiveRetaliation When enabled, aliens on any type of mission may detect your base if they are in very close range. false
allowBuildingQueue When enabled, unfinished facilities act as links to the access lift when new facilities are placed, thereby allowing facilities to be "queued" waiting for neighboring facilities to finish. false
allowPsiStrengthImprovement When enabled, soldiers can improve their Psi Strength through practice and psi training. false
anytimePsiTraining When enabled, psi training can be performed at any time, instead of waiting for the end of the month. false
canManufactureMoreItemsPerHour When enabled, allows manufacturing projects to produce more than one item per hour, if the amount of engineers is very large (like in TFTD). false
canSellLiveAliens When enabled, captured aliens can be sold for cash in the same fashion as alien corpses. Recommended when storageLimitsEnforced is enabled. false
canTransferCraftsWhileAirborne When enabled, crafts can be transferred between bases while they are OUT (as long as they have enough fuel). false
craftLaunchAlways When enabled, allow crafts to take off without being READY. false
customInitialBase When enabled, allows the player to customize the facility placement of the starting base.
dogfightSpeed The animation speed of dogfights. 20
geoscapeScale The base resolution to use for the Geoscape:
  • 0 = Original = 320x200 resolution
  • 1 = 1.5x Original = 480x300 resolution
  • 2 = 2x Original = 640x400 resolution
  • 3 = 1/3 Display Resolution
  • 4 = 1/2 Display Resolution
  • 5 = Full Display Resolution
geoClockSpeed The speed of the Geoscape clock. 80
geoDragScrollButton Controls which mouse button is held down when Drag Scrolling the globe.
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Left Mouse Button.
  • 2 = Middle Mouse Button.
  • 3 = Right Mouse Button.
  • 6... = Other Mouse Buttons.
geoDragScrollInvert When enabled, Drag Scrolling moves the globe away from your mouse, rather than moving towards it. false
globeAllRadarsOnBaseBuild When enabled, all radar ranges will be shown when hovering a valid base location while building a new base. true
globeDetail When enabled, country and city details are shown when zoomed in on the globe. true
globeFlightPaths When enabled, shows craft flight paths on the globe. true
globeRadarLines When enabled, the radar ranges of player bases on the globe are shown. true
globeScrollSpeed The scrolling speed of the globe. 20
globeSeasons When enabled, the day/night cycle takes into account the Earth's axial tilt for a more realistic projection of the light. false
psiStrengthEval When enabled, evaluates the psionic strength of all soldiers after the appropriate research has been completed. false
spendResearchedItems When enabled, researching an item removes it from stores and disassembles it, like in XCOM (2012), and researching a living alien returns a corpse to the stores. false
showFundsOnGeoscape When enabled, shows your available funds above the time/date on the Geoscape sidebar. false
storageLimitsEnforced When enabled, enforces the limit of live aliens that can be held in each containment facility as well as general stores limits for recovered items. false
allowPsionicCapture When enabled, mind-controlling all the remaining enemy units results in a victory, and they count as live captures. false
alienBleeding When enabled, allows the player to inflict Fatal Wounds on aliens. false
battlescapeScale The base resolution to use for the Battlescape:
  • 0 = Original = 320x200 resolution
  • 1 = 1.5x Original = 480x300 resolution
  • 2 = 2x Original = 640x400 resolution
  • 3 = 1/3 Display Resolution
  • 4 = 1/2 Display Resolution
  • 5 = Full Display Resolution
battleAlienSpeed Animation speed of alien / civilian units moving on the map. 30
battleAutoEnd When enabled, the turn is automatically ended when all friendly/enemy units are neutralized, therefore ending the mission. false
battleConfirmFireMode When enabled, a second click is required on the same tile to confirm fire orders. false
battleDragScrollButton Controls which mouse button is held down in Drag Scrolling
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Left Mouse Button.
  • 2 = Middle Mouse Button.
  • 3 = Right Mouse Button.
  • 6... = Other Mouse Buttons.
battleDragScrollInvert When enabled, Drag Scrolling moves the camera away from your mouse, rather than moving towards it. false
battleEdgeScroll Map edge scrolling mode.
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Trigger Scroll: Hold down the LMB over the edges of the screen to scroll.
  • 2 = Auto Scroll: Hover your mouse over the edges of the screen to scroll.
battleExplosionHeight A coefficient that controls how much vertical power explosions have.
  • 0 = Explosions are completely flat, as per the original game.
  • 1 = -30 damage units per level (this penalty is in addition to the horizontal penalty of -10 damage per tile).
  • 2 = -10 damage units per level.
  • 3 = -5 damage units per level.
battleFireSpeed Animation speed of bullets after being fired in pixels per frame. Game setting * 2. 6
battleHairBleach Changes soldier Battlescape sprites to match their inventory look. true
battleInstantGrenade When enabled, grenades are "hot". This means that when primed to 0 turns, they simply explode on impact, instead of waiting for the end of the turn. false
battleNotifyDeath When enabled, displays a text notification when a soldier dies. false
battleNewPreviewPath When enabled, your first left-click displays the path the selected unit will take, and your second click confirms the move order.
  • 0 No preview.
  • 1 Display path taken with colored arrows: green - can move and fire; yellow - can move; red - cannot move.
  • 2 Display the time units you will have remaining after moving to the destination.
  • 3 Display colored arrows and time units remaining.
battleSmoothCamera When enabled, the battlescape camera will remain centered on projectiles while in flight. false
battleScrollSpeed Map scrolling speed. 8
battleTooltips When enabled, hovering the Battlescape buttons displays a tooltip. true
battleUFOExtenderAccuracy When enabled, mimics UFO Extender's Range based accuracy, except using stats taken from the weapon itself rather than global config options. false
battleXcomSpeed Animation speed of X-COM units moving on the map. 30
disableAutoEquip When enabled, disables auto-equipping of new soldiers before battle. false
fieldPromotions When enabled, only soldiers that were in the battle can get promoted. false
noAlienPanicMessages When enabled, doesn't show messages when an alien unit panics or goes berserk. false
skipNextTurnScreen When enabled, the "Next Turn" screens during battle are advanced automatically after a short delay. false
showMoreStatsInInventoryView When enabled, the inventory screen displays extra stats in the top-right corner, such as the weight of equipment the soldier is currently wearing/carrying and their maximum weight before TU reduction sets in, their firing accuracy, reactions and psi stats. false
sneakyAI When enabled, AI avoids exposing themselves to player whenever possible. false
strafe When enabled, holding CTRL allows soldiers to strafe and run, and allows tanks to rotate their turret independently of the chassis. false
TFTDDamage When enabled, weapons will do between 50% and 150% of their rated damage like in TFTD, as opposed to X-COM's 0% to 200%. false
traceAI Debug feature. When enabled, highlights the paths that enemy units took after their turn. false
weaponSelfDestruction When enabled, weapons dropped by aliens are destroyed unless they are captured alive (similar to the new X-COM). false