Orange Pad Re-inforcement Spawns

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This is here as to not clutter the bugs page.

Corrupted Re-inforcement Pad

This is the overhead view of the orange pads within the Food Chamber. It is only only a visual thing and does not effect their operation. The exit-tiles may also be facing the wrong way.


Spawn Camping Tests


This was a 27hour (real life, using x4 speed) stress-test mission within the Spawning Chamber (it has the queen) using edited lifeform selections to get a uniform result and limit variables.

  • Anthropods only. Six initially present (with one mandatory Queen). Score = 10.
  • Disruptor Gun only. No other items. Score = 8.


  • Ten agents.
  • Lawpistol only. Recharging ammo: full=25, regen=5, dam=100.
  • Accesories: Sword=1, AP-G=4, Medi=1, Cloak=1, Armor=5pieces.
  • Items per agent = 13.
  • Total X-Com items = 130.


Equipment Score = 4616

{4616 ÷ 8} = 577

meaning 577 disruptor guns on the ground ...which is higher than the supposed limit of 500 items (must include 130 items from X-Com) = 707.
Kill Score = 56450

{{56450 - queen50pts} ÷ 10} = 5640

meaning X-Com agents killed...

5640 anthropods (this is ridiculous!)

Conservative Results

These stress tests used Score = 1 each for gun and alien. Initial Anthropods=6, Gun x6.

  • Agents and loadouts were reduced to the minimum suitable: Agents=8, Lawpistol=1, Cloak=1, Armor=5pieces. 56 total items.

Test1: Spawning Chamber
Gametime: Start 11:32. End=16:27. Last Kill=14:52

Combat = 733 (less 50 for queen death score)
Equipment = 693

Notes: 683 anthros killed, items easily surpassed the supposed item limit of 500, active combat timer seems to be exact 200minutes, item drop qty does not match with alien death qty.
Test2: Maintenance
Gametime: Start 2:21:51. End=8:11. Last Kill=6:21:51

Combat = 681
Equipment = 666

Notes: 681 anthros killed, items again surpassed limit, active combat timer is exactly 4 hours (240minutes), item drop qty does not match with alien death qty.
Test3: Maintenance again
Gametime: Start 2:21:51. End=14:33. Last Kill=6:01:51

Combat = 668
Equipment = 666

Notes: 668 anthros killed according to score. Add up quantity of aliens killed (8xagent's kill count from zero) and it becomes 913 kills! So now it looks like Combat rating is not correct versus actual kill count. This is becoming a headache. Items again surpassed limit and are exact as before in Test 1 and 2. Active combat timer is less than 4 hours now, being ~220minutes and also again: item drop qty does not match with alien death qty (913) but it does closely with combat rating 668 vs 666. Test4: Sleeping Chamber
Gametime: doesn't matter since it was corpse recovery test but it lasted a few hours.

Combat = 704
Equipment = 704

Notes: Using new setup: Anthros + Brainsuckers(Score=1) with no ammo. Agents x12 with only LawPistol (recharges). No armor, no cloak. 704 kills so far since ended mission early. Items recovered (confirmed at base) = 704 brainsuckers + 48 corpses. Scores match now. What is the upper limit to kills since it is confirmed that 60 is the unit/corpse limit.

These are ongoing tests whenever...


There is a critical bug which is caused by too many items on the ground regarding view.

See Also