Psi Lab (EU2012)

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Revision as of 03:04, 14 November 2012 by B2ag (talk | contribs)
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The Psionic Lab will allow you to test your soldiers for psionic powers. You may test up till 3 soldiers at a time, upon which they will be unable to join a mission during 10 day testing time.

The chances for getting a psionically gifted soldier seems to be random, but with a higher chance the better willpower the soldier has. Because of this, the current assumption is that a Colonel that started out with 52 psionic powers and ranked up while the [Iron Will] was active (with the maximum 12 Will increase per new rank) has the best chance of getting the gift.

A soldier with 50 willpower has less than 1% chance of being gifted. [1]

Using Save and Load, it was found that the chance of being gifted is calculated immediately when the soldier is put in the Psi Lab. This means each time the same soldier is removed and re-added to the training tab, he/she would have a recalculated chance of being gifted. This is best done when you have ten days of uninterrupted peace.

Please confirm: Chance of being "gifted" is totally independent of soldier put in training. It only depends on the slot at Psi Lab and on the times tried testing. First training results in the second slot soldier getting "gifted". This ist also true for later trainings. A success on a slot is reproducable, also when loading a savegame before the training and put another one at the "gifted" slot. Good strategie for giving psi powers to beloved soldiers would be to save before training, fast forward time till result while ignoring other events, remember slots "gifted", load before training and put hired rookies in "not gifted" slots. They lied to us. I burned 2 of my strongest will soldiers by the hint, that it's somehow related to will. Face it friends: the cake is a lie! --B2ag 22:04, 13 November 2012 (EST)