Sidewinder (LW2)

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Revision as of 21:46, 15 February 2017 by Hewhoispale (talk | contribs) (Not sure how to format the mk2 alien ability level ups, observed from xwynns' vids)
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The Sidewinder is a more mobile variant of the Viper, which will more often than not attempt to flank your soldiers. It has the same arsenal of abilities as its parent unit.

Sidewinder Abilities
Ability Description
UIPerk viper getoverhere.jpg
Tongue Pull
Grab a target with your tongue and pull them to melee range. Only humanoid targets can be pulled.
UIPerk viper bind.jpg
Bind and Crush
Bind and crush an adjacent humanoid enemy. Allied units can fire upon the immobilized target.
UIPerk viper poisonspit.jpg
Poison Spit
Spit deadly poison at an area.
UIPerk shadowstep.png
This alien does not trigger overwatch or reaction fire.

Sidewinder Serpens Abilities
Ability Description
UIPerk shadowstep.png
This alien does not trigger overwatch or reaction fire.
LW AbilityHitandRun.png
Hit and Run
Once per turn, gain an additional move action after taking a standard shot at a flanked or exposed target with your primary weapon.