Talk:Alien Weapon Loadouts

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Revision as of 09:42, 13 April 2009 by Jasonred (talk | contribs)
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Lots of aliens carry plasma pistols and rifles, especially in some of my Floater & Snakemen games, although quite possibly this gets upgraded to Heavy Plasma as standard when playing Superhuman? Normally since I have laser weapons, I sell all the scavenged plasma pistols and rifles ASAP. Equipping troops with them is too much trouble as it involves scrounging or manufacturing the different ammo types. --JellyfishGreen 06:48, 3 April 2009 (EDT)

The game actually holds a comprehensive list of specific loadouts for the various UFO and crew combinations. Well, UFO combinations at least. From recollection, I pointed out one equipment anomly to Zombie (who knows a lot more about this subject than I do) a while back about finding an alien carrying a weird set of mismatching equipment. Forget the exact setup, but I think it involved two plasma pistols (empty) and some plasma rifle ammo. -NKF 07:15, 3 April 2009 (EDT)
Could you extract and post this list up, please? Jasonred 08:28, 3 April 2009 (EDT)
I'll do this later this afternoon. It'll take me a little time to convert the table into HTML and analyze it for other issues. (Last time I looked I think there were three problems with the standard loadout). --Zombie 08:52, 3 April 2009 (EDT)
Weird. I just had a Sectoid Leader armed with a Small Launcher. That doesn't seem to appear on the chart. Jasonred 05:42, 13 April 2009 (EDT)