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Revision as of 02:59, 2 August 2008 by MikeTheRed (talk | contribs) (Questions re: Incendiary page, and IN versus Experience)
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For now, we'll just say the smoke + incendiary stun effects only work on X-Com owned units until some tests can be run to confirm this. It's unusual that only X-Com units are affected, but the game has been known to surprise you even after you think you've worked something out.


Given how aliens love to hang around in a smoke-filled crashed UFO, IC rounds would be insanely powerful if they did actually work against aliens in smoke. I'm glad they don't seem to, as I'd be very tempted to cheat with it. They do work against aliens standing in fire, though, which is still quite cheaty...--Ethereal Cereal 21:35, 5 May 2006 (PDT)

I just edited the Incendiary page a bunch, because Brunpal's Talk:Experience questions about Incendiary sparked my interest... I never did test IN vs. experience. It's a very good question if it turns out to cause Firing experience. But while reviewing this page, I had a number of questions, for anyone interested. Also, I only tried to clarify things, and don't know Incendiary well, so fix anything you know I got wrong:

  1. Did I get it right re: the set [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] for chance of initially catching fire? I over-wrote "linear" because it seemed odd when XCOM usually goes, e.g., 0-10. (Who tested this? - A little help here please. Just making sure.)
  2. Why flame a zombie unless it's near death (and how can you know if it is)? It's been a long time since I used fire - if you don't have flying armor, why mess around with a zombie by burning it, why not Heavy Plasma it.
  3. Any research/data on tile flammability versus duration of burning is appreciated. Probably it should go on the Terrain page byte, but be clearly referenced here. It's just a curiousity, but an interesting one.
  4. The last line of the page says "The damage values listed in the UFOpaedia do not determine how powerful an incendiary round deals damage; it only determines how wide an area will be blanketed with flames." Does anyone know IN strength vs radius, then? Should be easy to test and post.
  5. NKF, Zombie, or anyone else... would you mind seeing if Incendiary causes the Experience counter to increase? Brunpal is right that it's important to Experience... I found Stun Bombs to count for experience across their whole range, even if no stun damage occurred... if you have 11+ Mutons in a firing squad situation, passing around an Auto Cannon with Incendiary may be better than standard pistols, depending on the range of the blast. I could test it, but it's been a long time since I've delved into the files; maybe one of you have them more close to hand.