Talk:Survival Guide (EU2012)

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Events' timings

I suggest to collect information about days of events and edit the next list: (this will help a lot on planing strategy)

March (1 month) - 32 days long

  • 4-8d - Abduction
  • 7-10d - UFO (small scout)
  • 17-19d - Abduction
  • 24-x - Council Mission

April (2 month) - 28d

  • X-Xd - Terror

Why does the guide specify that you should order sats one by one rather than in bulk? --Arkander 15:37, 22 November 2012 (EST)

To hazard a guess, it's to take advantage of the engineer discount as you get more of them. Also so you don't buy more than you can launch. NKF 13:34, 2 December 2012 (EST)
You get the same discount if you order them piecemeal or in bulk. I do order them individually for a matter of financial liquidity and flexibility. Imagine it's the 27th day of the month, I got 2 satellites in production, and an Terror Mission pops up. I have just build the OTS but I got no credits left for Squad Size I (or Carapace armor or some very important item). I'll cancel 1 of the satellites to get back the credits to buy Squad Size I, and the monetary gain (200§) is enough to reorder afterwards the 2nd satellite and to make up for the funding that you won't be receiving in the next month from the 2nd country. The difference is that you were able to take that Terror mission better prepared (and the following ones). Hobbes 14:24, 2 December 2012 (EST)

Hey there - your guide mentions that you should hire lots of new troops after Iron Will/New Guy, and that the player should consider screening them for Psi abilities before deciding to keep them. Everything I have read indicates that Will, which grows with rank and experience, is a major factor in determining Psi capability. Shouldn't players wait to test recruits until after they have gained a few ranks and an appreciable will score (like 80), or even better, once they are maxed out? --Alloutwar 14:42, 3 April 2013 (EDT)

  • Psionic_(EU2012) From my experience, it's near entriely random: dumping my early (and at that point, maxed out) soldiers through Testing only gets one or two. Presumably, in which of the 3 slots, and with who else, has an effect. And Save State abuse can get you three-for-three every time. I preferred staring Psi newbies as squaddies, since Mindfray doesn't rely on aim, and kills with Mindfray count as EXP to Soldier Rank, as well asPsi Level. --Xuncu 07:44, 6 April 2013 (EDT)

The other Wikia has some good guides, as well, including a Month-By-Month mission list: --Xuncu 07:44, 6 April 2013 (EDT)