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Revision as of 00:28, 6 April 2008 by Arrow Quivershaft (talk | contribs) (An item cap of 9,999 units of a given item exists and should be noted.)
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The holes in the item list are the 6 unused items in obdata.dat. Starting from the standard pistol, the object table in the base and craft files match the entries in OBDATA.DAT.

The six unused items don't have any text labels associated with them apart from the description in obdata.dat. If you inspect obdata.dat, you'll notice that they are a few weapons and ammo clips, however one or two of their crucial switches have been turned off so that they do not function. TFTD uses these slots for the gauss clips and drills.


Little Endian

It should be noted that despite all values being unsigned little debian and thus having a fairly large range, there is a cap of 9999 instances/units of a given item at a given base. Arrow Quivershaft 17:28, 5 April 2008 (PDT)