Panic (Long War)

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Panic in Long War is a smooth scale from 0-100, not the 5-point scale as seen in EU2012. For more details, on how panic relates to council members, see The Council (Long War).

Mission Panic values

  • Air raid / Bombing run: +8 (Can be reduced by damaging the UFO, escaped UFO panic *also* applies)
  • Terror mission: +2 per civilian in country, +1 per civilian across continent (stacks, the country where the terror mission takes place is actually gaining +3 panic per dead civilian)
  • Terror mission failure/abort: Country suffering from terror mission leaves immediately, +20 across continent
  • Shooting down/raiding a UFO: -2 (You would get -2 for shooting down a UFO, then another -2 for raiding it)
  • Escaped ufo: +2 (reduced by any damage dealt)
  • Launching a satellite: -10 in country, no change across continent
  • Losing a satellite: +25 in country, +5 across continent
  • Raiding an alien base: -20 in country, -5 across continent
  • Raiding Exalt base: -5 worldwide
  • Thwarting an abduction: -2
  • Failing an abduction: +25 in country, +20 across continent for classic and harder.
  • Council mission reward: ??
  • Alien entertainment reward: ??
  • Completing a covert operation: -20

Note that there is also a 50% chance of adding +15 panic to any panic causing event if there is an active and hidden EXALT cell on the same continent as the target country. For example, an ignored and successful air raid in France has a 50% chance of causing +25 panic total if there is an active and hidden EXALT cell somewhere in Europe.

Country Defection

At the end of the month, a country may leave the council if their panic is too high (i.e. > 95). Note that aliens can run an infiltration mission to cause a country to leave immediately.

  • Chance of defection, no sats nearby: current panic level (ie, at least 95%)
  • Chance of defection, one or more sat on same continent: 90%
  • Chance of defection, country has sat: 50%

Satellite Panic reduction

Once per month, satellites can help control panic:

  • 50% chance of -5 panic if Panic > 95
  • 10% chance of -5 panic if Panic > 80
  • no reduction if panic < 80