Base Defense (TFTD)

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Most of the information on Base Defence is found on the link at the bottom of this page. This page is to discuss any differences in Base Defence missions that are specific to TFTD.

General Discussion

For TFTD Base Defence missions, there is mention in some articles that the spawn points are different, that aliens will routinely appear in places other than the Airlock and Sub Pens (not just if the aliens run out of their own spawn points).

From personal experience (one Base Defence so far!), the spawn points do appear to be different, it looks like perhaps some of the aliens can spawn in adjacent modules to the usual spawn points, while most of them spawn in the usual modules. Or did I read somewhere that they start in the normal modules but get 1-2 turns free movement? I don't think so, as I had 2-3 aliens who were nearly the whole way on the right hand side of the base, when the access lift "channel" on the extreme left side of the base. So I think they teleport/leak through into adjacent modules to the sub pens and access lifts.

Still, the overwhelming majority of aliens were in the normal spawn points - sub pens and access lift - so a few leaking behind the lines does not invalidate the overall Base Defence strategy.

I think it's the module adjacent to the airlock or sub pens. One way would be to ensure that the sub pens and airlock are separated from the rest of the base with the good old one-chokepoint base strategy for the primary base. Perhaps with a slightly longer chokepoint.
For smaller sonar/intercept outpost, just throw everything down at random. With aquanauts appearing from all directions, spawning one module along means little. On the bright side, f the aliens start closer, the better the opportunity to use the power tools!
One thing to check is that this isn't a result of having too few alien spawn points. It's very unlikely as I've had a 3 sub pen base have aliens start in adjacent modules, but you never know. Really small one-or-no-sub-pen bases tend to suffer from this. -NKF 00:45, 10 October 2008 (CDT)

Some more points about TFTD Base Defence missions: underwater-only weapons (HJ Cannon, Torp launchers, etc) are automatically excluded from your 80 item limit, so you don't need to sell/transfer them. This was a help for me because a battleship hit me with no warning (near end of February on Superhuman). I did not get anything on sonar (long range and short range). Possibly it was because I had time advance set to 1 Hr, but you would still expect to get a popup box and for the clock to stop when the incoming battleship is detected. No such luck for me.

They still show up as items that you can equip, as I've had cases where the remainder of my Aquanauts had nothing else to arm but some hydrojet cannons. They can be fired with reaction fire, but being one of the slower snap weapons and the fact the TFTD aliens seem less inclined to rove about as much as their UFO cousins, the HJC's don't inspire very much confidence.
A general land based feature that you can enjoy during base defence is improved phosphor performance and explosions appear to be much more destructive to terrain featues. At the very least you'll get the skull flames instead of bubbles. Not strictly exclusive to base defense, but worth knowing. -NKF 00:45, 10 October 2008 (CDT)

To Do

Discussion of how the module tiles are different (if at all) in TFTD - which ones have clear killing zones, which ones have tricky little hidey holes, etc.

See Also

The main article on Base Defense, though it is focused on UFO: Enemy Unknown (XCom 1).