Medi-Kit (EU)

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The medi-kit is highly advanced healing facility with pain killers and stimulants that can be administered to injured soldiers almost instantly under any field condition. In order to use the medi-kit the medic must be facing directly towards the soldier requiring treatment. If the soldier is stunned the medic must stand over the body, but must not be directly facing another soldier .


The Medi-Kit has three functions:

Red body parts show fatal wounds. Click on a body part that is wounded and then click on the 'Heal' button. One fatal wound will be cured and some health restored.
This will restore energy (10pts) and revive unconscious soldiers. In order to revive an unconscious soldier you must stand directly over the body.
This will restore the morale of wounded soldiers up to an amount equivalent to the soldier's lost health.

Each dose from the Medi-Kit uses a fixed cost of 10TUs. Bringing up the healing panel costs 0TUs.


Unit cost:                $28,000
Engineer hrs. to produce: 420
Workspace required:       4
Sale Price:               $45,600

Tips & Tricks

  • Works on Aliens too, although this will perhaps consist mainly of reviving stunned aliens. Aliens as a general rule do not take on critical wounds unless they are under X-Com mind control.
  • Can operate through walls, thus usable as a free 1-square Alien detector. The most practical use would be to check behind doors to see if there is an enemy standing immediately behind it.
  • To tell if a fallen soldier has regained consciousness after a stim shot, you have to exit the Medi-kit interface and try entering it again, or check to see that your medic is standing over a body. If it can't find a target then the soldier has stood up. The soldier will normally wake up directly to the north of your medic, but due to a graphical glitch, will appear to be invisible for the duration of the turn.
  • For troop transport supplies: Three to five kits for every 10 soldiers is enough, as the medics can throw or pass kits around the battlefield. Too many kits will cut heavily into your alloted carrying capacity of 80 items.