In-Game Notes (Bureau)

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This is a list of all found notes from Missions in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Groom Range, sub-level checkpoint

Director Frost,

It is with all due respect for you and the organization you represent that I compose this note imploring you to please reign in the actions of one Agent Angela Weaver, currently in your employ. The audacity of Agent Weaver’s actions of late can only be motivated by perplexing and utterly unfounded paranoia.

General Deems

Groom Range, sub-level Elerium lab

Memo To: Pvt. Launcce William Carter is not to leave quarters unless in the custody of Lt/ Garber-Paul. Photographic identification of both Garber-Paul and William Carter are included with this correspondence. These orders are of the highest priority.

Under no circumstances is anyone other than the courier himself to manipulate, manhandle, or in any way come into physical contact with the case trusted to his charge.

-Lt. Curr

Groom Range, war room check-in

General Deems,

Director Faulke has been nothing less than cagey as regards the findings of his team at the operation in Montana. The Director has flat-out ignored requests to deliver the apparatus uncovered in the Bannock mines to our laboratories here at Fort Groom. He claims to have secured the artifact at an undisclosed facility, the whereabouts of which are so highly classified that I can’t even verify the place even exists! Faulke is protected all the way up the chain, well beyond my pay-grade.

I’ve informed him repeatedly that the request to transfer the object comes down from you, sir, but he still refuses to acquiesce. I’ve done all I can, sir.

Col. Weatherfrud

Groom Range, war room check-in

Elerium- Space Race Implications

Data Source: Test Series E-43 (12 shots total) Class: Sub-Terranean

As regards directing the funding for future Elerium-based research, I would petition General Deems and the rest of the board to consider the implications this material has on the exploration of Outer Space. Though it is impossible to discern whether this substance exists behind the Iron Curtain, prudence demands we assume it does. Lack of action in this arena will almost certainly see the Soviets extending the already embarrassing lead they’ve taken in the so-called Space Race.

I strongly urge the department to focus significant funding in this direction.

Sincerely, Dr. Feebaker