Cheat Codes (Apocalypse)

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These Cheat Codes are taken from the official "Keys.doc"-document, that was shipped together with the DEBUG and BETA versions of the game.

These cheats no longer work in the final release, as they have been fully stripped off the UFO2p.exe and TACP.exe.


These are for testing purposes only and are not to be published externally, this section of the document should be considered “confidential”, and for the eyes of Mythos and MPS only.

NOTE: If any “cheats” are found that are not documented here then they should be considered “bugs”.

Source: "Keys.doc"-document

Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Cityscape

Hold down ALT and type “UFO CHEAT”1 from the main interface, if you mistype it or it doesn’t work, hold down ALT and press any key other than “U”, then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the cheat mode has been activated on the message bar.

Cheat Mode Confirmation

1 The space bar has to be pressed between UFO and CHEAT: "ALT + U F O SPACEBAR C H E A T".

Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse Cityscape

Key CombinationEffect
ALT + ESCAPECancel cheat mode
ALT + NUMPAD PLUSGet one more of all equipment
ALT + 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7Flip dimension1
ALT + AAuto-save on / off
ALT + BForce Base mission
ALT + CForce UFOs to crash
ALT + DDimension map cheat on / off
ALT + FBuild base facilities cheat on / off
ALT + GTest alien dimension
ALT + MGet $100000
ALT + NShow no. of aliens in buildings2
ALT + PFinish project instantly on / off
ALT + QAllow all manufacture on / off
ALT + RAllow all research on / off
ALT + SForce Overspawn3
ALT + TForce apocalypse (terror) mission
ALT + VView all ufopaedia on /off
ALT + XGet one of each vehicle4
ALT + ZShow all people tube connections2
1 In the later Beta versions, where the alternative Dimensions got scrapped, only Alt+0 (Mega-Primus) and Alt+1 (Alien Dimension) will work.
2 These are shown on the citymap overview.
3 The Overspawn will always spawn at the top left corner of the map.
4 This includes all craft available for purchase, all X-COM researchable craft, all civilian and police craft as well as one of each UFO and an Overspawn.

Cheat codes only available in the “DEBUG” version (Cityscape)

Key CombinationEffect
ALT + ECause Fatal Error
ALT + SPACEDo “TEST” routine

Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical

Hold down ALT and type “TAC CHEAT”1 if you mistype it or it doesn’t work, hold down ALT and press any key other than “T”, then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the cheat mode has been activated on the message bar.

Cheat Mode Confirmation

1 The space bar has to be pressed between TAC and CHEAT: "ALT + T A C SPACEBAR C H E A T".

Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical

Key CombinationEffect
ALT + ESCAPECancel cheat mode
ALT + TTraining mode on / off1
ALT + HHidden terrain on / off2
ALT + VHidden units on / off3
ALT + KKill all hostile units
ALT + IInvincibility on / off
ALT + WWeightlessness on / off4
ALT + FIncrease musical intensity
ALT + GDecrease musical intensity
ALT + UAnimation viewer5
1 This makes it so the AI takes over and controls your agents. It will cause the AI to be completely unlocked and use all available tactics. This mode was also used to train the decision matrix of the game over a test of roughly 8000 games.
2 Removes the fog of war.
3 Makes all hostile and neutral units visible, regardless of line of sight.
4 Disables the draining of Stamina as well as the slowdown of being overburdened.
5 Official tooltip: "you must have unit selected + on screen, ESCAPE exits, other keys given on screen"

Cheat codes only available in the “DEBUG” version (Tactical)

Key CombinationEffect
ALT + RShow frame counter
ALT + SPACEDo “TEST” routine


One of each vehicle cheat

Map and Units revealed

People Tubes and Alien Numbers

Forcing Overspawns

Left side Beta .exe's, right side final release .exe'd (You can open the UFO2P.exe and TACP.exe with a regular text editor, to reveal mostly scrambled data but also quite a lot of intact text, both used and unused)