Console Commands (LW2)
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Long War 2 and (Relevant Vanilla) Console Commands
[#] is an Integer (a number in the 0 or 0.0 format)
Multiple commands can be run on a single line by separating them with the | symbol.
Command | Argument | LW or Vanilla? | Notes |
AiDebugAi | Vanilla | Shows All AI information for on screen units | |
AiDebugJobs | Vanilla | Shows All AI Jobs for on screen units | |
degugspawningtoggle | Vanilla | Shows All spawn points for current map | |
DropUnit | [TemplateName] [Team Number] | Vanilla | [See Unit Table for Unit Names][TeamNumber is 0 for xcom and 1 for advent] |
fogdensity | [#] | Vanilla | [#] is the Fog of War density |
GiveEngineer | [#] | Vanilla | [#] is the level of the Engineer you are adding (not sure what this means, I always set it at 1) |
GiveScientist | [#] | Vanilla | [#] is the level of the Scientist that you are adding (not sure what this means, I always set it at 1) |
GiveResource | [Resource][#] | Vanilla | [Resource] can be [Supplies], [Eleriumdust], [AlienAlloy], [Intel], [Eleriumcore] Increases Resource to this [#] level (you MUST have 1 unit already) |
HealAllSoldiers | Vanilla | Heals all injured soldiers instantly | |
killclosestunittocursor | Vanilla | Kills the unit closest to the cursor instantly (be very careful this command can kill XCOM too) | |
KillAllAIExceptClosestUnitToCursor | Vanilla | Kills all of the enemies EXCEPT the unit closest to the cursor instantly (this will kill any prisoners/VIPs that you do not control) | |
KillAllAIs | Vanilla | Kills everything on the map except for XCOM instantly (this will kill any mindcontrolled soldiers/prisoners/VIPs that you do not control) | |
LevelUpBarracks | Vanilla | Levels up all soldiers in the Barracks | |
RemoveFortressDoom | [#] | Vanilla | [#] is the number of Avatar Timer pips you want to remove |
RestartLevel | Vanilla | Restarts the mission | |
setregionreslevel | [WorldRegion_X][#] | Vanilla | [See WorldRegion_X Table] Choose [3] to add a Radio Relay to the region (not sure about other Integers) |
SkipAi | Vanilla | Skips the AI turn (they freeze in place, but if on OW they will shoot, and reinf will take a their initial turn) | |
slomo | [#] | Vanilla | [#] Base is 1.0. Increase/decrease to speed up or slowdown the game (works in tactical, and in the Geoscape) |
TakeNoDamage | Vanilla | All units are invincible | |
TATC | Vanilla | Teleports all XCOM controlled units to the current cursor position (make sure that it is on the ground and not over/under a roof or your soldiers can get trapped in the map) | |
TTC | Vanilla | Teleports the selected unit to the current cursor position (make sure that it is on the ground and not over/under a roof or your soldiers can get trapped in the map) | |
Togglefow | Vanilla | Turns on/off the Fog of War (does not reveal all enemies) | |
ToggleGodMode | Vanilla | XCOM has unlimited moves, ammo, and takes no damage (?) needs verification. | |
ToggleSquadConcealment | Vanilla | Turns on/off Squad Concealment | |
ToggleUnlimitedAmmo; | Vanilla | Turns on/off unlimited ammo | |
X2DebugMap | Vanilla | Displays the map in Debug mode (you can't really play with this on, but if you run into a bug it can be helpful) | |
X2Debugvisibility | Vanilla | Displays the map in Debug mode (you can't really play with this on, but if you run into a bug it can be helpful) | |
GiveHackReward | [HackReward] | Vanilla | [See HackReward Table]. Provides this Hack Reward |
GiveContinentBonus | [ContinentBonus] | Vanilla | [See ContinentBonus Table]. Provides this Continent Bonus |
AddItem (for PCS) | [Quality] [PCS] [#] | Vanilla | [Quality] is [Common], [Rare], [Epic]. [PCS] is [PCSSpeed], [PCSFocus], [PCSConditioning], [PCSPerception], [PCSAgility], [#] is the quantity |
AddItem (for Weapon Add-ons) | [Addon][Quality][#] | Vanilla | [Addon] is [AimUpgrade], [ClipsizeUpgrade], [CritUpgrade], [FreeKillUpgrade], [MissDamageUpgrade], [ReloadUpgrade], [FreeFireUpgrade], [Quality] is [bsc], [adv], [sup]. [#] is the quantity |
AddItem (for Weapons, Armor, and Utility Items) | [ResourceName][Quality][#] | Vanilla | [See Item Table]{#] is Quantity, see a complete list of item codes, including those from WOTC at |
GiveFacility | [Facility][#] | Vanilla | [See Facility Table][#] is the location within the Avenger, where 3,4,5 is the top row left to right, 6,7,8 is the second row, 9,10,11 is the third, and 12,13,14 is the bottom row, So the bottom right hand location is number 14 |
SpawnPOI | [POI] [WorldRegion_X] | Vanilla | [See POI Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] |
SetStatOnClosestUnit | [eStat][#] | Vanilla | closest unit to cursor.[see Stat Table][#] New Stat value |
LWAddRebel | [is faceless?][#][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | [#] 1 = True, 0= False [See WorldRegion_X Table] |
LWAdvanceActivity | [ActivityTemplate][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | [See ActivityTemplate Table] [See WorldRegion_X table] |
Lwdebugpodjobs | Long War 2 | Displays current enemy pod jobs | |
LWDumpActivityLog | Long War 2 | Adds all current activity to the log file | |
LWdumpregioninfo | Long War 2 | Adds current Region Information to the log file | |
LWForceActivity | [Activity][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | [See Activity Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] Forces an enemy activity in a specific region |
LWForceEvac | Long War 2 | Spawn an immediate Evac | |
LWForceMission | [Mission][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | [See Mission Table][See WorldRegion_X Table] Forces a mission to occur in a specific region |
LWForceRecruitRoll | [#] | Long War 2 | [#] spawn this number of Recruits |
LWGiveAWCDefenseAbility | [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] | Long War 2 | Gives this soldier a Defensive AWC ability (?) Need to verify this |
LWGiveAWCOfenseAbility | [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] | Long War 2 | Gives this soldier an Offensive AWC ability (?) Need to verify this |
LWGiveAWCPistolAbility | [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] | Long War 2 | Gives this soldier a Pistol AWC ability (?) Need to verify this |
LWLevelUpRebel | [stringSoldierFirstName][stringSoldierlastName] | Long War 2 | Levels up this Rebel |
LWSetAlertLevel | [#][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | Sets the region's Alert level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table] |
LWSetForceLevel | [#][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | Sets the region's Force level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table] |
LWSetVigilanceLevel | [#][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | Sets the region's Vigilance level to [#] in [See WorldRegion_X Table] |
LWSetEvacCounter | [#] | Long War 2 | Sets the current Evac counter to [#] |
LWSpawnActivity | [Activity][WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | Spawns the [Activity] mission in the [WorldRegion_X] |
GiveTech | [TechName] | Long War 2 | [See Tech Table] Completes a project instantly |
MakeSoldierAClass | [string SoldierFirstName][string SoldierLastName][class] | Long War 2 | Soldier's first and last name spelled EXACTLY as it is in the Barracks, and [Class] which is the class you want the soldier to choose. (See Class table) |
LWAddResistanceMec | [WorldRegion_X] | Long War 2 | Adds a Resistance Mec to the selected [WorldRegion_X] |
- WorldRegion Table
- WorldRegion_EastNA
- WorldRegion_WestNA
- WorldRegion_SouthNA
- WorldRegion_NorthSA
- WorldRegion_SouthSA
- WorldRegion_WestEU
- WorldRegion_EastEU
- WorldRegion_NorthAF
- WorldRegion_EastAF
- WorldRegion_SouthAF
- WorldRegion_EastAS
- WorldRegion_WestAS
- WorldRegion_NorthAS
- WorldRegion_SouthAS
- WorldRegion_NorthOC
- WorldRegion_SouthOC
- Class Table
- Rookie
- LWS_Assault
- LWS_Shinobi
- LWS_Grenadier
- LWS_Sharpshooter
- LWS_Ranger
- LWS_Specialist
- LWS_Technical
- LWS_Gunner
- LWS_PsiOperative
- Item Table
- AcidGrenade
- AcidGrenadeMk2
- AimUpgrade_Sup
- AlienAlloy
- AlienGrenade
- AlloyPlating
- ApRounds
- APRounds
- Arcthrower_BM
- Arcthrower_MG
- AssaultRifle_BM
- AssaultRifle_CG
- AssaultRifle_LS
- AssaultRifle_MG
- BattleScanner
- BlasterLauncher
- BluescreenRounds
- Cannon_BM
- Cannon_LS
- CarapacePlating
- ChameleonSuit
- ChitinPlating
- ClipSizeUpgrade_Sup
- CombatStims
- CorpseAdventMEC
- CorpseAdventOfficer
- CorpseAdventShieldbearer
- CorpseAdventStunLancer
- CorpseAdventTrooper
- CorpseAdventTurret
- CorpseAndromedon
- CorpseArchon
- CorpseAvatar
- CorpseBerserker
- CorpseCodex
- CorpseDrone
- CorpseFaceless
- CorpseGatekeeper
- CorpseMuton
- CorpseMutonElite
- CorpseSectoid
- CorpseViper
- DragonRounds
- EleriumCore
- EleriumDust
- EMPGrenade
- EMPGrenadeMk2
- FalconRounds
- Firebomb
- FirebombMK2
- Flamethrower
- FlamethrowerMk2 (Hellfire Projector)
- FlashbangGrenade
- FlechetteRounds
- FragGrenade
- GasGrenade
- GasGrenadeMk2
- Gremlin_BM
- Gremlin_MG
- HazmatVest
- HeavyPlatedArmor
- HeavyPoweredArmor
- Hellweave
- Holotargeter_BM
- Holotargeter_MG
- IncendiaryRounds
- Intel
- LightPlatedArmor
- lightpoweredarmor
- LWGauntlet_BM
- LWGauntlet_CG
- MediumPlatedArmor
- MediumPoweredArmor
- MimicBeacon
- MindShield
- NanoFibreVest
- NeedleRounds
- Neurowhip
- PlasmaBlaster
- PlatedVest
- ProximityMine
- PsiAmp_BM
- PsiAmp_MG
- RedscreenRounds
- Shotgun_BM
- Shotgun_MG
- ShredderGun
- ShredstormCannon
- Skulljack
- SmokeGrenade
- SmokeGrenadeMk2
- SniperRifle_BM
- SniperRifle_CG
- StasisVest
- StilettoRounds
- Supplies
- Sword_BM
- Sword_MG
- TalonRounds
- TracerRounds
- VenomRounds
- Tech Table
- AcidBombProject
- AcidGrenade
- AcidGrenadeMk2
- AcidGrenadeProject
- AcidGrenadeProject
- AdvancedAutoMagProject
- AdvancedClipSizeProject
- AdvancedCoilguns
- AdvancedGrenades
- AdvancedHairTriggerProject
- AdvancedHeavyWeapons
- AdvancedLasers
- AdvancedLaserSightProject
- AdvancedScopeProject
- AdvancedStockProject
- AlienBiotech
- AlienEncryption
- AlloyCannon
- AlloyPlatingProject
- APRoundsProject
- Arcthrower_BM
- AutopsyAdventMEC
- AutopsyAdventOfficer
- AutopsyAdventPsiWitch
- AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
- AutopsyAdventStunLancer
- AutopsyAdventTrooper
- AutopsyAdventTurret
- AutopsyAndromedon
- AutopsyArchon
- AutopsyBerserker
- AutopsyChryssalid
- AutopsyDrone
- AutopsyFaceless
- AutopsyGatekeeper
- AutopsyMuton
- AutopsyMutonElite
- AutopsySectoid
- AutopsySectopod
- AutopsyViper
- BasicAutoMagProject
- BasicClipSizeProject
- BasicEngineeringProject
- BasicHairTriggerProject
- BasicLaserSightProject
- BasicResearchProject
- BasicScopeProject
- BasicStockProject
- BattlefieldMedicine
- BattlescannerProject
- BlacksiteData
- BluescreenRoundsProject
- BuildSpark
- CarapacePlatingProject
- ChameleonSuitProject
- ChitinPlatingProject
- CodexBrainPt1
- CodexBrainPt2
- CoilGuns
- CombatStims
- DragonRoundsProject
- EMPBombProject
- EMPGrenade
- EMPGrenadeMk2
- EMPGrenadeProject
- EXOSuit
- ExperimentalAmmo
- ExperimentalArmor
- ExperimentalGrenade
- FalconRoundsProject
- Firebomb
- FirebombMK2
- FlechetteRoundsProject
- ForgeStasisSuit
- GasBombProject
- GasGrenade
- GasGrenadeMk2
- GasGrenadeProject
- GaussWeapons
- Gremlin_BM
- Gremlin_MG
- HazmatVestProject
- HeavyPlasma
- HeavyWeapons
- HellweaveProject
- Holotargeter_BM
- Holotargeter_MG
- HybridMaterials
- IncendiaryBombProject
- IncendiaryGrenadeProject
- LaserWeapons
- LWGauntlet_BM
- LWGauntlet_CG
- MagnetizedWeapons
- MechanizedWarfare
- MimicBeacon
- MimicBeaconProject
- MindShield
- ModularWeapons
- NeedleRoundsProject
- Neurowhip
- PlasmaBlasterProject
- PlasmaGrenade
- PlasmaRifle
- PlasmaSniper
- PlatedArmor
- PlatedVestProject
- PoweredArmor
- ProximityMineProject
- PsiAmp_BM
- PsiAmp_MG
- PsiGate
- Psionics
- Psionics
- RedscreenRoundsProject
- RenderAdventDroneWreck
- RenderAdventOfficerCorpse
- RenderAdventShieldbearerCorpse
- RenderAdventStunLancerCorpse
- RenderAdventTrooperCorpse
- RenderAndromedonCorpse
- RenderArchonCorpse
- RenderBerserkerCorpse
- RenderBlutonCorpse
- RenderChryssalidCorpse
- RenderEleriumCore
- RenderFacelessCorpse
- RenderGatekeeperCorpse
- RenderMECCWreck
- RenderMutonCorpse
- RenderSectoidCorpse
- RenderSectopodWreck
- RenderTurretWreck
- RenderViperCorpse
- ResistanceCommunications
- ResistanceRadio
- ShredstormCannonProject
- Skulljack
- Skullmining
- SmokeBombProject
- SpiderSuit
- StasisVestProject
- StasisVestProject
- StilettoRoundsProject
- SuperiorClipSizeProject
- SuperiorClipSizeProject
- SuperiorHairTriggerProject
- SuperiorLaserSightProject
- SuperiorScopeProject
- SuperiorStockProject
- Sword_BM
- Sword_MG
- TalonRoundsProject
- Tech_AdventDatapad
- Tech_AlienDatapad
- Tech_AlienFacilityLead
- Tech_Elerium
- TracerRoundsProject
- VenomRoundsProject
- WARSuit
- WraithSuit
- Unit Table
- AdvGrenadier
- AdvGrenadier
- AdvGrenadier
- AdvGunner
- AdvGunner
- AdvGunner
- AdvMec_M1
- AdvMec_M2
- AdvMec_M3
- AdvMECArcher
- AdvMECArcher
- AdvRocketeer
- AdvRocketeer
- AdvRocketeer
- AdvSentry
- AdvSentry
- AdvSentry
- ArchonM2_LW
- ChryssalidSoldier
- Drone
- Drone
- HiveQueen
- MutonM2_LW
- MutonM3_LW
- Naja
- Naja
- Naja
- SectoidM2_LW
- Sidewinder
- Sidewinder
- Sidewinder
- Viper_LW
- Viper_LW
- Missions Table
- RecoverItem_LW
- RecoverItemADV_LW
- RecoverItemTrain_LW
- RecoverItemVehicle_LW
- RecoverFlightDevice_LW
- HackWorkstation_LW
- HackWorkstationADV_LW
- HackWorkstationTrain_LW
- SupplyLineRaidATT_LW
- SupplyLineRaidTrain_LW
- SupplyLineRaidConvoy_LW
- DestroyRelay_LW
- ProtectDevice_LW
- ExtractVIP_LW
- RescueVIP_LW
- RescueVIPVehicle_LW
- NeutralizeTarget_LW
- NeutralizeTargetVehicle_LW
- SecureUFO_LW
- SabotageAlienFacility_LW
- SabotageAdventMonument_LW
- Terror_LW
- AvengerDefense_LW
- AssaultAlienBase_LW
- Jailbreak_LW
- Defend_LW
- Rendezvous_LW
- IntelRaid_LW
- Activities Table
- ProtectRegion
- Counterinsurgency
- ReinforceActivity
- COINResearch
- BuildResearchFacility
- RegionalAvatarResearch
- GlobalAvatarResearch
- ScheduledOffworldReinforcements
- EmergencyOffworldReinforcements
- SuperEmergencyOffworldReinforcements
- Repression
- Invasion
- AvengerHunt
- Propaganda
- ProtectResearch
- ProtectData
- TroopManeuvers
- HighValuePrisoner
- PoliticalPrisoners
- Logistics
- CloneDeployment
- DebugMission
- Rendezvous
- IntelRaid
- Defend
- Facility Table
- AdvancedWarfareCenter
- Laboratory
- OfficerTrainingSchool
- PowerRelay
- ProvingGround
- PsiChamber
- ResistanceComms
- ShadowChamber
- UFODefense
- Workshop
- Stat Table
- eStat_HP
- eStat_ArmorChance
- eStat_ArmorMitigation
- eStat_Offense
- eStat_Defense
- eStat_Mobility
- eStat_SightRadius
- eStat_Will
- eStat_PsiOffense]=20
- eStat_FlightFuel
- eStat_UtilityItems
- eStat_AlertLevel
- eStat_BackpackSize
- eStat_Hacking
- eStat_CritChance
- eStat_CombatSims
- eStat_HighCoverConcealment
- eStat_Strength
- eStat_FlankingCritChance
- eStat_FlankingAimBonus
- eStat_DetectionRadius
- eStat_HP
- eStat_Will
- eStat_Dodge
- eStat_UtilityItems
- eStat_Mobility
- eStat_PsiOffense
- eStat_FlankingCritChance
- POI Table
- POI_GuerillaOp
- POI_LootTable
- POI_HeavyWeapon
- POI_GrenadeAmmo
- POI_FacilityLead
- POI_Gamescom
- POI_ReducedContact
- POI_Intel
- POI_Alloys
- POI_AlloysElerium
- POI_Scientist
- POI_Engineer
- POI_SupplyRaid
- POI_Rookies
- POI_Soldier
- POI_AvengerPower
- POI_AvengerResComms
- POI_IncreaseIncome
- Continent Bounus
- ContinentBonus_AllIn;
- ContinentBonus_ArmedToTheTeeth;
- ContinentBonus_FireWhenReady;
- ContinentBonus_FutureCombat;
- ContinentBonus_HelpingHand;
- ContinentBonus_HiddenReserves;
- ContinentBonus_LockAndLoad;
- ContinentBonus_PursuitOfKnowledge;
- ContinentBonus_QuidProQuo;
- ContinentBonus_SpareParts;
- ContinentBonus_SpyRing;
- ContinentBonus_SuitUp;
- ContinentBonus_ToServeMankind;
- ContinentBonus_UnderTheTable;
- Hack Reward
- Blitz_T2;
- DisguisedSignals_T2;
- IntegratedComms_T2;
- Targeting_AimAndCrit_T2;
- Targeting_Dodge_T2;
- Targeting_Crit_T2;
- VideoFeed_T2;
- Insight_T2;
- SatelliteData_T2;
- WatchList_T2;