Spitter (Apocalypse)

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The Spitter UFOpaedia entry, if captured alive.
The Spitter Autopsy report fromt the UFOpaedia.

Pathetic creature, really. It wanders around aimlessly, making noises like its clearing its throat, and then, when it sees your men, it spits a weak acid at them. Pointless and weak, this creature is easily dispatched with one or two Devastator Cannon shots, and a few more of other munitions rounds.

To Capture: Aim at the creature with a stun gun. It'll fall relatively easily. Psionics don't really work on this thing...

Official Entry (Captured Alive): "This unfortunate creature dedicates its short life to combat and protection of more vulnerable Alien forms. It has limited intelligence and attacks using its funnel head which projects a mix of deadly micro-organisms up to medium range. Despite its humanoid form it is incapable of using other weapons or equipment. It has no eyes, ears or nose but it can accurately detect the presence of nearby organic life forms. This ability is based on a specialized form of Psionic receptor and makes the creature very dangerous in combat situations."

Official Entry (Autopsy): "The alarming appearance of the Spitter reflects the fact that this creature's only purpose is to be used in combat. The funnel head propels a liquid containing micro-organisms which secrete acids and enzymes. The large stomach of the creature generates the deadly vomit and would suggest that it sucks up the remains of any victim with its funnel head. With no discernible brain structure this creature is immune from Psionic attacks."

See Also