Storyline (Bureau)

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After the Ethereal, Shamash, awakens in XCOM's laboratory, Carter realizes that he had been controlled by another Ethereal, Asaru, and destroys Shamash in a rage (while surprised that a handgun seemed to have worked in killing her), right at the start of the assault of Site X. Carter moves through the base while fighting Asaru's control, eventually threatening to set off a bomb to destroy them both, giving the player/Asaru 35 seconds to release him. After ejecting from Carter, Asaru makes the choice of merging with either Director Faulke, Doctor Weir, or Agent Weaver; the three humans, realizing that the Ethereals are telepathic, correctly assume that Asaru can 'hear' them, and give permission for him to merge with one of them, and thus become the player character.

With the new merger complete, Faulke, Weir, and Weaver escape Site X in the Avenger, and plan the assault on the faux-Ethereal Origin's mothership. The human that has merged with Asaru, having the ability of a full Ethereal, states that if they connect with the core of the ship (the backup Mosaic Core), they can overwhelm and delete Origin for good.

During the Mothership infiltration, there are at first few aliens to be seen, as most are on Earth, desperate to complete the invasion and capture the Ethereal, allowing Weaver, Faulk, and Wier to split up and head for three security generator stations. But, the escaped Carter will interfere and set off the alarm: after fighting off your own ambush, you will be given the choice to rescue one or the other of the other two humans: the other will die in battle.

When the Mosaic core is infiltrated (and while an infinite stream of regular and Elite Mutons swarm in), the linked human will use Asaru's power and give the order for all Outsiders to stand down, ending the invasion, and erasing what's left of Origin.

Some time later, the chosen human is debriefed, and speaks with several members of The Council...

Angela's Ending

After overwriting Origin's existence and giving the Stand Down order, Agent Angela then commands the remaining alien forces to kill themselves, like a mass Mind Control attack. This operation effectively makes the Zujdari extinct. While escaping the Mothership in the Avenger, she makes the Mothership drop into Earth's atmosphere, destroying it.

Ancillary operations are of the destruction of nearly all Outsider facilities, with both conventional and nuclear armaments to demolish nearly all of them, while what cannot be destroyed is sealed off to the public in one way or the other. Artifacts and weapons are, of course, kept for further study.

Lastly, the Sleepwalkers are euthanized.

With the coverup complete, and anyone who knows the truth either dead, or working for XCOM, the public at large is left entirely unaware that the invasion ever happened.

When asked of the Ethereal, Angela responds that it broke their link after the genocide:

Faulks's Ending

After overwriting Origin's existence and giving the Stand Down order, Director Faulk then commands the remaining alien forces to assist with the deconstruction of all Outsider facilities. While escaping the Mothership in the Avenger, he makes the Mothership drop it's shields, then drop to Earth, leaving few remains.

Ancillary operations are of the destruction of nearly all Outsider facilities, while what cannot be destroyed is sealed off to the public in one way or the other. Afterwards, all remaining Outsiders are executed, and the bodies buried in mass graves. Artifacts and weapons are, of course, kept for further study.

Lastly, the Sleepwalkers will remain in medical care, and will be allowed to die of age/natural causes.

With the coverup complete, and anyone who knows the truth either dead, or working for XCOM, the public at large is left entirely unaware that the invasion ever happened.

When asked of the Ethereal, Faulk responds that it broke their link after the Outsiders are exterminated:

Wier's Ending

After overwriting Origin's existence and giving the Stand Down order, Dr Wier commands the Outsider forces to surrender. He then has them assist in the breakdown of all Outsider facilities in exchange for their freedom. What cannot be destroyed is sealed off to the public in one way or the other. Artifacts and weapons are, of course, kept for further study.

With the rebuilding of the world complete, XCOM returns control of the Mothership to the Zujdari, and allows them to leave Earth and continue their search for a new homeworld.

Lastly, the Sleepwalkers are able to be cured through manipulation & study of Mosaic, and fortunately have no memory of any time during the infection.

With the coverup complete, and anyone who knows the truth either dead, or working for XCOM, the public at large is left entirely unaware that the invasion ever happened.

When asked of the Ethereal, Wier responds that it broke their link after the Outsiders leave Earth:

"Its status, its location, and its intent are ... unknown." [1]