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Revision as of 17:03, 1 August 2008 by Brunpal (talk | contribs) (Fire and Gaining Experience)
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For now, we'll just say the smoke + incendiary stun effects only work on X-Com owned units until some tests can be run to confirm this. It's unusual that only X-Com units are affected, but the game has been known to surprise you even after you think you've worked something out.


Given how aliens love to hang around in a smoke-filled crashed UFO, IC rounds would be insanely powerful if they did actually work against aliens in smoke. I'm glad they don't seem to, as I'd be very tempted to cheat with it. They do work against aliens standing in fire, though, which is still quite cheaty...--Ethereal Cereal 21:35, 5 May 2006 (PDT)

Fire and Gaining Experience

Has anyone tested how fire affects experience? Keeping in mind Incendiary rockets (90IN) and Auto cannon rounds (48IN) Specifically I want to know if:

  • Does Incendiary direct dmg increase experience if the alien does NOT catch fire?
  • Does Incendiary spash dmg increase experience if the alien does NOT catch fire?
  • Does an alien who caught fire give experience to the solider the round after?
  • Does an alien in a fire (but not on fire) give experience to the soldier the round after if he takes damage?
  • Does an alien in a fire (but not on fire) give experience to the soldier the round after if he DOES NOT take damage?
  • Does a 4 square alien count as 4 hits if fire is on all 4 squares?
  • How does this all interact with the fire hurts all bug?

If "yes" to all the above questions, obviously the best way to skill up your squad is with an Auto Cannon using Incendiary rounds.--Brunpal 10:03, 1 August 2008 (PDT)