Talk:UFO Incursions (Apocalypse)

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I've just seen a fleet which is 665444. This doesn't appear anywhere on this page. It performs infiltration and seems to be the favoured alien fleet during week 4 if the aliens have all their ships (i.e. many of types 1-6). My guess is a typo in infiltration fleet 12. Magic9mushroom (talk) 14:44, 18 August 2018 (CEST)


Air Raid? I'm going to test this with "Apocalypse Missions 100%" (Apoc'd) at the start with 5 craft of each available. What they do I think is just bomb a building to flatten it. I don't think a base assault is an air-raid since that falls under Infiltration.... it just so happens that the infiltration is a "your ownership building" chosen at random. EsTeR (talk)

User:Darkpast suggested that name over "bombing" when we discussed it on another talk page. "Air raid" means bombing IRL. Also, base defences can occur either randomly from an infiltration mission, or from what's (incorrectly) been referred to as a "micronoid rain mission" - it's actually a scanning beam and once they've found your base every subsequent instance of this mission will drop aliens into it. Magic9mushroom (talk) 08:48, 29 July 2020 (UTC)
I just tested the above and the alien ships behave exactly like I'd expected. They flatten any building at random since I made sure to have every AI corp at neutral with aliens. Ahh, I just worked out that Air Raid has a slightly different meaning to what we though it was. The joys of language barriers and a global community. Thanks for the explanation. EsTeR (talk)

Confusing Page Structure

This page isn't really thought out properly. Micronoid Rain what is it and how its changed or why is it changed since everyone knows about the blue rain and that what it was always called. Where is it ufopedia with explaination on changes of the rain? Base Assault or Raiding (or should it be called base invasion?) Is that a bombing (explosions and leveling) or landing raid (like landing an overwhelming force)?

Apoclaypse? hmm, yeah they send all at once but what do you call cityscape destruction bombing? An air RAID? but isn't raid a battlescape fight and not a bombing run?

Gets confusing with BASE bombing/assault or air raid... yeah they land a force but it isn't a force! ...its a bombing run (they shouldn't be labeled similar). Gives me headache.

A good part of the confusion is because the Apocalypse section of the wiki is currently undergoing spring cleaning. See the discussion here for more info: Talk:Alien_Infiltration_(Apocalypse)

Also, the term "Micronoid Rain" was thought up by the community. It's not used in-game or even in the game files, and it's actually wrong - the UFOs are not dropping Micronoids, but searching for X-COM bases. Darkpast (talk) 12:08, 30 July 2020 (UTC)