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Revision as of 06:59, 30 September 2006 by Zombie (talk | contribs) (Spotting aliens - someone please help! NKF? BB? MTR?)
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Just a note:

Bullets fired from large units always go from the primary quarter - i.e. the very first unit in unitpos - or the top-left quarter of the unit (relatively speaking, the top most quarter on your screen).

I think the bullet origin is higher than the unit's hit-box (to mimic firing from a turret) or is at least offset so that it doesn't strike its other quarters.

Until more information is gathered, I don't think the bitflags that flag sometimes for tanks would determine where the bullet is fired from. Sorry, yet another bit to identify... oh well.

NKF 02:04, 15 Oct 2005 (PDT)

I just compared two unitpos.dat files. One was where a Chryssalid was not spotted. The other was after the Chryssalid was spotted. The only difference between the two files was offset 10 (column 11). Unspotted: value of 34 (100010), spotted: value of 35 (100011). Not sure how that fits in the offset 10 description in the article page so I dumped this info here for now. Someone with more knowledge of bytes, hex, dec and bin please look this over and try and incorporate it into the text. -Zombie 23:59, 29 September 2006 (PDT)