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I can't think of anywhere else to put this.

A thought occurred to me late last night. I doubt that the Gollop brothers actually went this far, but it'd be interesting to see if there is anything like this in the game.

X-COM units stun alien units to bring them back to base alive, to interrogate them and learn more about the alien threat.

If alien units successfully manage to knock X-COM units unconscious, and either the mission fails or the mission is aborted, leaving the stunned soldiers behind, do the aliens take the stunned units back and interrogate them (using psionics?) to try and learn the location of X-COM bases?

Like I said, I doubt this is in the game but it'd be a damn good thing to have in any remake. -- GazChap 14:54, 1st August 2006 (BST)

Moving bodies, and where do you wake up?

I know that stunned units being carried that wake up naturally will wake up next to the person who was carrying the body. But I have this vague recollection that there was some trick where you could move an unconscious body, but it would wake up where it was stunned (i.e waking up at the unit's last known coordinates, not the coordinates for the item representing the body). I really can't remember the particulars, but I've seen it happen. I'll have to run a few experiments and see if I can replicate it. Not sure if it can be used as an exploit though. -NKF 21:33, 13 November 2007 (PST)

On second though, I can't seem to replicate it. The experience I had was that I picked up a stunned alien, then did something with it... oh hang on. Now I remember. I moved the body, then blew it up with a grenade. The corpse of the alien instead showed up where I'd originally picked it up. The game must replace the temporary unconscious body (with reference to the live unit) with a new corpse item. Instead, what happened was that the corpse was created at the unitref coordinates (which won't update when the unconscious body is moved about until it wakes up), not the coordinates of the temporary body item. Yes, that explains my vague recollection! So, no, not useful at all as an exploit. -NKF 23:10, 13 November 2007 (PST)


Could it be poossible to use the bug listed here to keep any 1x1 alien indefintately unconscious? This would be are major help for long missions (terror, large/very large ships, alien bases, and retaliation). -Muton commander

To be honest, outside of Terror Units, there's no 1x1 alien that poses any threat if it wakes up from stun. They'll have dropped all their weapons and grenades, and the AI has no code to ever pick items up. Annoying to hunt down, sure, but not dangerous. If it's really an issue, if you know an alien has been stunned and you don't want it to wake up, either pick up all the gear you want and run away, or toss the body into a corner, and then drop a grenade on the body. Works every time. (If it's an alien you want to remain stunned, they probably should be watched by someone anyways, or carried around or back to the dropship.) If absolutely necessary, you can even revive a stunned alien with use of Stimulants from a Medi-Kit and then 'finish the job.' (Difficult with aliens stunned by Small Launchers, but in my experience any alien who knocks himself out with one of those suckers isn't gonna be waking up any time soon anyways.) Arrow Quivershaft 19:14, 5 October 2008 (CDT)
Other than the 1x1 terror units, Ethereals and other Psi using aliens can still be threat if they wake up. 4x4 terror units never wake up (bug?). I would never grenade unconscious bodies on purpose. That's a waste of a $20,000 corpse. They aren't a threat and aliens that later wake up are useful for experience training when you decide to put them down for the count.--Brunpal 17:28, 6 October 2008 (CDT)
Point on the Psi, I considered that after posting, but figured most people can put that piece together. As I noted, though, if you have Medi-Kits, you can use the Stimulants to wake the alien back up and then blast it then. As for corpses, yeah, it can be an issue, but really, Laser Cannons are more profitable. Alien corpses are actually only low-mid level in value of items in a mission; any alien weapon is worth far more(though not the ammo). Alloys and Elerium also sell for less, but have their own uses. The Heavy Plasma the alien was probably carrying is worth 8.5 times(9 times if its got a clip) as much as the corpse. I guess my opinion is that if the only way you can make ends meet in X-COM is by selling alien corpses, you're doing something wrong. Arrow Quivershaft 19:15, 6 October 2008 (CDT)
Two really quick notes: 1) Chryssalids 2) There's no purpose in destroying a corpse. Although I take it we're talking about an unconscious body. -NKF 23:15, 6 October 2008 (CDT)
I did say non-terror units. ;) Stunned Chryssalids should be grenaded, no question. Same with stunned Celatids. Stunned Silacoids aren't usually a problem, though. And no, there's no purpose destroying an already-dead corpse, but if you grenade a stunned alien(instead of killing it after waking it up) there's no body, and thus no $20,000 corpse to sell. Although as I said, I don't think this is a valid reason to not kill a stunned Psi-capable alien, or anyone else you don't want wandering around behind your lines. Your financial situation should be healthier than that. Arrow Quivershaft 23:20, 6 October 2008 (CDT)
Sorry about his, but this had gone off topic. I wanted to see if an unconscious unti that wakes up in a hand slot could be kept unconscious by placing in your backpack. Muton commander 18:46, 7 October 2008 (CDT)
Nope, it can still wake up. I assumed you meant backpack as there is a bug with an alien that wakes up from a hand slot. It crashes the game. Only way I know if to keep an alien unconscious is by shooting their body with small launchers. They still take stun damage but doesn't harm the items (and the body is now classed as an item.) That's not indefinite, but will last the rest of the mission.
If you are after a way to exploit unconsciousness, take all your sleeping aliens and put all except one close to one another, but not in the same square. Preferably in a corner or room where they can't get by you. When they wake up, shoot them with a small launcher for firing accuracy experience. As long as there is one alien still on his feet, the level will never end. Boring, but only way I know of to exploit the mechanic.--Brunpal 23:43, 7 October 2008 (CDT)