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Template Documentation

The UBK is short for UFO Base Kit. This transclusion template is designed to let you insert your own custom X-COM UFO base layouts into your discussions or articles.


The easiest way to include it in your article is to copy the following:


Replace "dirt" with the following possible entries:

Note: If you've completing your layout manually by hand, remember that a base is 6×6 modules, so you will need to specify all 36 tiles. You can enter everything sequentially, but it easier to manage when entering 6 arguments per line to match the in-game layout.

If you have already completed your layout and the rest consists of dirt blocks, just close off the braces. All remaining entries that are not filled in at the end will default to dirt blocks. Entering {{UBK}} by itself for example will generate a a 6×6 block of dirt.