Throwing Accuracy

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Throwing Accuracy affects a soldier's ability to hit their target with a thrown object.

Starting Values

New recruits will always begin with a value between 50 and 80.

Maximum Caps

An X-COM soldier's Throwing Accuracy is capped at 120.


Throwing Accuracy is increased by throwing objects. (How obtuse is that?) It can increase up to 6 points in a combat mission, depending on how many times you throw and how far you are from the cap of 120. For more info, see Experience.

Influencing Factors

Throwing Accuracy is also affected by other factors:

  • +15% when kneeling.
  • -10% per wound to the head or throwing arm.
  • -25% x (max health-current health)/max health)

Throwing Distance

While not exactly Throwing Accuracy, this is as a good a place as any for this:

Throwing Distance roughly = 2.5 * Strength / Weight

So, Strength directly affects throwing distance.

The "2.5" appears to vary from ~ 2.1 to 3.3 and/or there is some other variable not yet understood.

Refer to the handy list of Item Weights for weight infromation

[ NKF: This may want to go into its own section. ]

[ MikeTheRed: NKF - Have at, if you want. Although this is not an entirely consistent place to put it, it seemed the lesser of evils / other places may be more awkward. At least folks can find it here. Anyway... go for it! Two quick questions, if you could insert answers into the wiki? 1) Does weapon load state (i.e., ammo weight) figure into throwing distance for weapons? 2) What are those "unused slots"? It's not ringing a bell for me. Are there unused guns we can hack out of XCOM??]

[ NKF: 1. Only the gun weight is counted when determining the distance for a throw. The ammo in the gun only gets counted when the game adds up the total weight for all items on the soldier. 2. Yes, the game has six unused item slots. Unfortunately, there's no way to get them into any of the item transfer screens (at the moment), otherwise they'd make six extra weapons, clips or grenades, but the bullets fired would look like a tank/cannon round, they won't have proper labels and they won't have ufopaedia entries. They can be added to the Skyranger with a ship store editor, and they'll appear in combat, however their obdata.dat entries will have to be tweaked so that they work. ]