Avenger (Hardmode)

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Avenger - Ultimate Craft

The Avenger is a multi-role interceptor/transport craft, and represents the ultimate replication of alien technology . It can be researched following the discovery of the New Fighter Craft technology, this craft will require the interrogations of a captured alien Engineer, Navigator and Medic.


The Avenger is functionally nearly identical to its vanilla counterpart. It features incredible top speeds which allows it to reach any point on Earth within three hours of launching. It has an incredibly large damage capacity which can allow it to sustain significant damage, which permits it the best chance to intercept hostile Battleships. It continues to be able to transport up to 26 soldiers, and up to 4 HWPs.

Though the craft continues to require the usage of elerium as a fuel source, it is amongst the most fuel efficent of all X-COM craft that use elerium, due to its high speed it can generally reach its destination and return to base faster and thus consume less elerium fuel. This craft is still ineffecient for long term patrolling an area, and this duty is best left to traditional fuel powered aircraft such as the Retaliator or Skystriker.

One major change to this craft is its increased construction cost. Costing an overwhelming $10 million and 300 alien alloys, it represents a major investment for X-COM. Large scale proliferation of the Avenger may prove too expensive.

Battlescape Strategy

The Avenger's battlescape layout remains unchanged to vanilla. Its open wide entrance can allow quick dispersment of troops into the battlefield. With the advent of flying suits, it could be advantageous to position troops on the roof of the Avenger to permit them a wide view of the battlefield while also allowing them to crouch for an accuracy boost.

Battlescape Graphics

Strategic Statistics

Maximum Speed:5,400 knots (10,000kmh)
Fuel Capacity:60
Weapon Pods:2
Damage Capacity:1,200
Cargo Space:26
Monthly Fee:None
HWP Capacity:4

Manufacturing Stats

Manufacture Construct
Technician Hours34,000
Materials300 Alien Alloys, 4 UFO Power Source, 2 UFO Navigation

See Also

UFO Badge OpenXCOM Hardmode: Craft
Craft: SkyrangerSkystrikerThunderInterceptorRetaliatorFirestormAvenger
Craft Armaments: StingrayAvalancheCannonAlloy CannonLaser CannonPlasma BeamFusion Ball Launcher