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Biochemistry is the study of all biological and chemical aspects regarding the Apocalypse: the aliens, their organic equipment, and their environment.


Alien lifeforms are strange organisms which only some share a passing resemblance to the humanoid shape. Fighting these otherworldly things shows that they are suspectible to various weaponry ...but what are they, what is their purpose, their 'alive' weaponry is odd and what do they want with Mega-Primus?

Biochemistry Laboratory

Various scientific topics will become available once the strange object or lifeform is successfully recovered from combat. Using the knowledge acquired will allow using their own tools against them, knowing which alien is vunerable to certain type of damage, what are their weaknesses and finally, to invent new X-Com weaponry to exploit this new information.


  • If a prerequisite is in italics, only one in the list within "Prerequisites" is needed to allow further study.

Craft Equipment Research Time Laboratory Size Type Prerequisites Research Leads To
Bio-Transport Module 9,000 Small Vehicle Equipment None None

Facility Research Time Laboratory Size Type Prerequisites Research Leads To
Advanced Biochemistry Lab 16,000 Small Base Facility Any "Live" or "Autopsy" None

Alien Lifeform Research Time
Laboratory Size Type Prerequisites Research Leads To
Brainsucker Pod 6,000 / ♠ Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Live Brainsucker
Brainsucker 9,000 / 7,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Real Alien Threat
Multiworm Egg 12,000 / 8,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Alien Genetic Structure (autopsy only), The Real Alien Threat
Multiworm 15,000 / 9,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Alien Genetic Structure (autopsy only), The Alien Life Cycle
Hyperworm 9,000 / 6,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Alien Genetic Structure (autopsy only), The Alien Life Cycle
Chrysalis 12,000 / 8,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Alien Life Cycle
Anthropod 12,000 / 8,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Real Alien Threat
Spitter 9,000 / 6,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Real Alien Threat
Popper 9,000 / 6,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Real Alien Threat
Skeletoid 15,000 / 10,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Real Alien Threat
Micronoid Aggregate 26,000 / 20,000 Small Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Advanced Biochemistry Lab, The Real Alien Threat
Megaspawn 20,000 / 12,000 Large Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead The Real Alien Threat
Psimorph 20,000 / 12,000 Large Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead The Real Alien Threat
Queenspawn 25,000 / 15,000 Large Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead Alien Gas
Overspawn ♥ / 20,000 Large Live/Autopsy Recovered Alive/Dead None

♦ Completed research on any Live lifeform will automatically grant its Autopsy research topic.
♠ Pods cannot be killed.
♥ Overspawn "Live" research is not possible.

Alien Lifecycle Research Time Laboratory Size Type Prerequisites Research Leads To ♣
The Alien Genetic Structure 25,000 Small Biology Multiworm Egg Autopsy, Multiworm Autopsy, Hyperworm Autopsy Biological Warfare, The Alien Life Cycle
The Alien Life Cycle 30,000 Small Biology The Alien Genetic Structure, Multiworm, Multiworm Autopsy, Hyperworm, Hyperworm Autopsy, Chrysalis, Chrysalis Autopsy Toxin Type B, The Real Alien Threat
The Real Alien Threat 35,000 Small Biology The Alien Life Cycle, Brainsucker, Brainsucker Autopsy, Multiworm Egg, Multiworm Egg Autopsy, Anthropod, Anthropod Autopsy, Spitter, Spitter Autopsy, Popper, Popper Autopsy, Skeletoid, Skeletoid Autopsy, Micronoid, Micronoid Autopsy, Megaspawn, Megaspawn Autopsy, Psimorph, Psimorph Autopsy Toxin Type C

♣ Any researched lifeform, live or autopsy, does not needed to be researched again.

Unit Equipment Research Time Laboratory Size Type Prerequisites Research Leads To
Brainsucker Launcher 9,000 Small Agent Equipment Recovered Equipment None
Entropy Launcher 9,000 Small Agent Equipment Recovered Equipment None
Entropy Pod 7,000 Small Agent Equipment Recovered Equipment None
Biological Warfare 26,000 Large Agent Equipment The Alien Genetic Structure Toxin Type B
Toxin Type B 15,000 Large Agent Equipment The Alien Life Cycle, Biological Warfare Toxin Type C
Toxin Type C 15,000 Large Agent Equipment The Real Alien Threat, Toxin Type B Alien Gas
Alien Gas 28,000 Large Agent Equipment Queenspawn, Queenspawn Autopsy, Toxin Type C None

Alien Chambers Research Time Laboratory Size Type Prerequisites Research Leads To
Alien Building 1
Sleeping Chamber
30,000 Small Objective The Alien Dimension None
Alien Building 2
Food Chamber
32,000 Small Objective Destroyed Sleeping Chamber None
Alien Building 3
Alien Farm
34,000 Small Objective Destroyed Food Chamber None
Alien Building 4
Maintenance Factory
36,000 Small Objective Destroyed Alien Farm None
Alien Building 5
Incubator Chamber
38,000 Small Objective Destroyed Maintenance Factory None
Alien Building 6
Control Chamber
40,000 Small Objective Destroyed Incubator Chamber None ⊗
Alien Building 7
Spawning Chamber
42,000 Small Objective Destroyed Control Chamber None
Alien Building 8
Organic Factory
44,000 Small Objective Destroyed Spawning Chamber None
Alien Building 9
Megapod Chamber
46,000 Small Objective Destroyed Organic Factory None
Alien Building 10
Dimension Gate Generator
48,000 Small End Game Destroyed Megapod Chamber Game Complete

⊗ Successful destruction of the this Alien Chamber will initiate the Apocalypse Mission.

Suggested Sequence

Biochemistry research is extremely important if wanting the knowledge to construct Toxiguns.

  • Bio-Transport Module.
  • Multiworm (alive or dead).
  • Advanced Biochemistry Lab.
  • Multiworm (alive or dead).
  • Hyperworm.
  • Hyperworm Autopsy.
  • Chrysalis.
  • Chrysalis Autopsy.

...once the advanced laboratory is complete:

  • The Alien Genetic Structure
  • Biological Warfare (build Toxiguns, ignore Toxin A)
  • The Alien Life Cycle
  • Toxin B

See Also