Controls (Apocalypse)

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Revision as of 07:58, 15 May 2022 by EsTeR (talk | contribs) (WIP, Not trying to make it complicated, but I noticed there is no description of damage types in one spot.)
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The best use and brief strategies on attitude, movement, shooting style and damage types which govern the actions of your X-Com agents on the battlescape.


X-Com agents on the battlescape area are controlled by an Attitude system (similiar to craft attitude) which, depending on the level of autonomy, may perform actions without direct input from the player. The colour matching the selected attitude is displayed above the unit (or grouping of units) in isometric view of the battlescape.

  • If an agent who is unarmed or has no ammo for the weapon they are carrying is given a new destination to move to on the battlescape, the agent will always run when they see a hostile unit, then resume their original commands once visual contact is lost.
  • An agent within fire or stun gas will immediately try to escape by running (regardless of movement or attitude settings). When the area is safe, they will automatically return to their original position.

Safe Mode

The agent with a Safe attitude will seek cover from a hostile as first preference, may break visual contact in doing so, and then may engage in combat. This is similar to how a panicking hostile acts. As avoidance is paramount, this mode may be unhelpful because your agent may ignore your movement commands (ducking into cover before reaching their given destination, and staying there).
This mode is primarily used if you want your unit to avoid hostiles.

Cautious Mode

The agent with a Cautious attitude will engage a hostile unit, will try to find cover when under fire and then return fire when the incoming attack ceases. When seeking cover behind an object such as a wall, the cautious agent will side-step (strafe) to face the enemy and fire, quickly moving back when there is incoming fire. Your agent remains aware of enemy positions by trying not to break visual contact for too long.
This mode is primarily used if you want your unit to engage a difficult enemy.

Aggressive Mode

The agent with an Agressive attitude will not seek cover and will fire towards hostiles disregarding any civilians and neutrals in the way.
This mode is primarily used if you want your unit to obey your command.

In General

  • Offence is the best defence.
  • A grenade being thrown may prompt safe and cautious agents run away from it. This is dangerous if they run from a Boomeroid.
  • If agents are in position to attack hostiles at a choke point, safe and cautious agents may start moving about to get to cover once the hostiles are engaged. This is dangerous since weapons aren't being fired when Brainsuckers and Poppers are near. Don't do the blue chicken dance.


An agent who has stopped moving will replenish Stamina at maximum rate.


The most common movement method for most of the game. A white arrow appears above units who are forced to run, and will expend Stamina until almost empty, then will walk.

  • Quickly scout the battlescape.
  • Move rapidly to cover.
  • Escape dangerous environs.
  • Cannot fire weapons when running.


An armed agent is able to fire a weapon when moving, but at reduced accuracy. Stamina is neither drained or replenished.

  • Fire as soon as a hostile is spotted.
  • A hostile may seek cover instead of returning fire as your attacking agent moves closer (typical known as "Suppressing Fire").
  • An over-encumbered unit.


An agent crawling (moving) or prone (not moving) presents the smallest target for enemy fire. Space is needed to lay down (two tiles).

  • Very slow movement.
  • Accuracy is increased considerably when prone.
  • A brainsucker stuns themselves when trying to attach to the head.
  • An agent may not resume crawling when used with Safe Mode (blue) attitude.

Note An agent will momentarily kneel to face a new direction, exposing themselves to the brainsucker threat.


An agent will drop down on one knee.

  • Accuracy is improved.
  • Slight delay before being ready to fire, after moving.
  • Needs to stand first then move.
  • Turns on the spot to face a new direction.
  • A unit waiting for another to move out of the way will not kneel.
  • The kneel command may over-ride the selected movement command when an agent is stationary.


The two Formations control how groups of agents move in the battlescape.

Group Formation

The default selection. Agents will move to new destination and position themselves in a chequer-board formation.

  • Agents move their maximum allowable speed.
  • Automatically spaced apart relevant to the obstructions at the destination.

Single File

Note: single file does not work well. See discussion page.

  • Agents used in single file formation do not have any icon to denote that they are a member of such grouping.
  • If another unit that was not part of the orginal single-file formation is selected, the button remains 'on' and will confuse that group that was supposed to stay as single-file.
  • Single file grouping does not deferentiate between 'yellow border' leader and 'orange border' passive members as it does with vehicle groups. The member who is closest to the destination when moving becomes the 'leader'.
  • Single file formation will try maintain a four-cell distance between agents when moving. If the moving ceases, the agents will try to keep a one-cell distance from each other.
  • Dynamic adjustment of speed of the 'leader' to obey the four-cell distance (from a very slow walk to bursts of speed faster than "Run") completely ignores the selected movement command for any member of that grouping.

...however, this works.

  • small target cross-section when moving forwards.
  • a group moving at an angle (flanking) to a hostile will allow all agents to fire without accidently shooting the one directly in front.

Shooting Style

Armed X-Com agents have one of four shot types available. Any firing mode can be used for any weapon!
Note: All weapons have different firing ranges and rates of fire. An agent's own attributes (Accuracy, Reaction, and Speed) wll determine a successful hit. Use the best weapon for the task. (eg: a Law Pistol is useless at very long range).
Weapons which track their target disregard the accuracy skill of the unit and the selected shot type.


Weapons are "Hold Fire". Prevents the agent from firing any weapon:

  • to prevent injury to alien lifeforms which are to be captured.
  • unloaded weapon in the agent's hand will be 'safe' after picking up its ammunition.
  • no firing of weapons other than when allowed, via forced fire.


The slowest and most accurate of the Shot Types. When using this, units will (take a longer time to) aim carefully at the selected target to have the best chance to hit. Aimed-Shot is typically used from long distance to the target with a suitable weapon. (eg: laser)


The standard Shot Type. The middle ground between Aimed Shot and Auto-Shot in regards to the agent's time-to-aim before firing the weapon. Snap-Shot is usually used at medium distance to a target when using a suitable weapon (eg: autocannon)


The least time-to-aim of the Shot Types. When using this, units will shoot constantly at the target to deliver the most impacts from shorter range (eg: M4000).

Damage Types

Every weapon has a certain category of damage inflicted onto a hostile.


Armor Piercing
An ammunition type based on a kinetic force which is applied to a very small spot from a long needle-shaped projectile onto a target allowing it to 'burrow' through the 'skin' (eg: protective armor-plate, vehicle body, carapace, etc.) of the target by the action of momentum.
Ideally suited to: aliens here

An ammunition type based on producing a fast expanding pressure shockwave which damages anything nearby by concussive force.
Ideally suit to: aliens here

An ammunition type based on a thick flammable liquid which is spread over a target by a weak explosive, then ignited to damage anything over short time.
Ideally suit to: aliens here


Laser Beam
An ammunition type based on light (photons) concentrated onto an extremely small spot on a target to inflict heat damage and eventual burn-through to 'cook' anything by extreme temperatures. Ideally suit to:

An ammunition type based on localised extreme heat to burn something so quickly that it etches away a target by 'evaporating' its molecular chemistry.
Ideally suit to:


Distruptor Beam
An alien energy type based on sub-atomic particles impacting a target to 'disassemble' its molecular chemistry.
Ideally suit to:

An alien corrosive chemical and toxic enzyme mix designed to dissolve metallic items and biological organisms by 'splashing' over a target when the ammunition breaks open from impact.
Ideally suit to:

Anti-Alien Toxins and Anti-Alien Gas
An X-Com developed injectable or aerosolized liquid toxin designed specifically to kill the micronoid organism within the body's of all alien lifeforms.
Ideally suit to: any alien lifeform only.

Non Lethal




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