Start Bonuses (LWR)

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In General

At the beginning of a campaign, you must select a starting location for XCOM HQ, and with it, a start bonus. All countries offer a different amount of starting Credits, as well as a variety of starting bonuses to choose from.

Table of Start Bonuses

Country Starting Bonuses
Continent Country Starting Credits Bonus Description
Africa Flag of Egypt.png
§750 For the Sake of Glory Start with Advanced Repair foundry project, which reduces repair time by 30% for aircraft, mechanized units, and damaged soldier gear.
Flag of Nigeria.png
§500 Pax Nigeriana All non-mechanical units start with +1.3 mobility.
Advanced Conversion MEC augmentation acts if all soldiers have +3 HP. Start with 2 UFO Flight Computers (modified by campaign length).
Bred Tough All biosoldiers start with +1 DR and +2 HP. Bonus attributes do not affect MEC augmentation.
Flag of South Africa.png
South Africa
§450 Resourceful Start with the Alien Metallurgy foundry project (+15% bonus alien alloys) and the Alien Nucleonics foundry project (+15% bonus elerium).
Survival Training All non-mechanical units start with +4hp. Bonus attributes do not affect MEC augmentation.
Asia Flag of Australia.png
§550 Per Ardua Ad Astra All non-mechanical units start with +2 HP, +4 aim, and +4 will. Bonus attributes do not affect MEC augmentation or psi training.
Robotics +12 aim bonus for SHIV's and MEC troopers.
Flag of China.png
§450 Assembly Line Start with two workshops (1st floor, both to the right of the elevator), 50 alloys, and 20 extra engineers in your base.
Xenological Remedies Increased credits (Impossible: 5x, Brutal: 6x, Classic: 7x, Normal: 8x) from alien corpse, captive, and wreck sales.
Deus Ex 90% reduction in genemod meld and Credits cost and modification time.
Flag of India.png
§500 Jai Vidwan Increases the bonus research from laboratories/lab adjacencies to +75/15% (from +30/10%), start with 50 elerium, and gain double scientists from all abductions.
Jai Jawan Start with 2 additional Interceptors, 6 UFO Power Sources (modified by campaign length), and the UFO Scanners project [Increases UFO interception time by 10% and displays UFO HP for analyzed UFOs].
Flag of Japan.png
§450 Ring of Fire Thermogenerators produce 150 credits each month instead of having an upkeep cost. Start with 6 steam vents with no location restrictions (instead of 1 steam vent on the 4th floor).
Ghost In the Machine SHIVs receive +30 aim, and you start the campaign with 2 extra SHIVs.
Kiryu-Kai Commanders Start with 2 additional Japanese Gunnery Sergeants of a random class.
Global Networking Intel Scans cost 75% less, Grey Market sell prices are 30% higher, and sightings on downed UFOs occur twice as often.
Europe Flag of France.png
§450 Quai d'Orsay Country item requests occur 40% faster, fulfilled requests provide 40% additional defense, and intel scans cost 40% less.
Foreign Legion Start with 12 additional soldiers.
Flag of Germany.png
§400 Skunkworks Item production time is reduced by 50%. Start with 3 Fission Generators, a Workshop, the Foundry, and the Repair Bay built on the 3rd floor.
Baumeister Start with all elevators built and 3 Fission generators built on the 4th floor (right side). Facility construction time is reduced by 85%.
NeoPanzers 70% reduction in credits, alloy and elerium required for MECs, SHIVS and their primary weapons.
Militarization Soldier costs and arrival time are decreased by 30% and twice the officer billets are unlocked from the Captains and Colonels OTS upgrades.
Flag of Russia.png
§600 Sukhoi Company Start with Enhanced Avionics, Penetrator Weapons, and Elerium Afterburners foundry projects, granting all aircraft +10% to hit, +25% penetration, and 10 battle speed, respectively.
Roscosmos All satellites cost 60% less to build and start with a satellite nexus (instead of a satellite uplink).
Flag of UK.png
United Kingdom
§450 Special Air Service All non-mechanical units start with +8 aim.
Their Finest Hour Start with Armoured Fighters and UFO Countermeasures foundry projects, increasing all aircraft HP by 15% and dodge chance by 10%, respectively.
Sandhurst 20% reduction in mission fatigue and missions required to unlock Officer Training School projects.
North America Flag of Canada.png
§400 Advanced Preparations Start with 5 extra soldiers, all elevators, a workshop (1st floor, right of elevator), a laboratory (3rd floor, left of elevator), and a fission generator (1st floor, far right) built.
Cadre Five of your initial soldiers start at the Corporal rank. All active or fatigued soldiers gain 3xp each day.
Research Focus Start with two laboratories (1st floor, both to the right of the elevator), 25 elerium, and 10 extra scientists in your base.
Flag of Mexico.png
§450 Wealthy Benefactor Start with 1400 bonus Credits.
Ancient Artifacts Start the campaign with an Illuminator Gunsight, Cognitive Enhancer, and Neuroregulator.
Legacy of Uxmal 10 bonus will, only for the purposes of psionic training.
Flag of USA.png
United States
§300 Special Warfare School All Officer Training School projects cost 70% less. XTPs and retired soldiers provide 40% more experience.
(Note: for retired soldiers, the multiplication occurs at time of retirement, so a soldier with 10 missions would be considered to have 16 missions instead.)
Cheyenne Mountain Start with all elevators built and a 2nd steam vent. Excavation costs are reduced by 70%.
We Have Ways Reduces time required for autopsies and interrogations by 65%. Start with Elerium Batteries [Increases Stun Rifle stun rate and gives +1 charge to the Stun Rifle, Arc Rifle, Arc Pistol, and Motion Tracker].
Daredevils Combat Patrols are twice as effective and cause half as much damage to the aircraft.
South America Flag of Argentina (bordered).png
§900 Vigilis All non-mechanical units start with +20 will. Bonus attributes do not affect psi training.
Public Heroes Triple credit, scientist, and engineer rewards from abduction missions.
Flag of Brazil.png
§1000 Jungle Scouts All non-mechanical units start with +0.6 mobility and +2 HP. Bonus attributes do not affect MEC augmentation. Start with Improved Medkit [+1 Medkit healing], Advanced Surgery [Soldier wound times decreased by 15%], and Tactical Rigging [Non-mechanical units can carry 1 additional equipment -- foundry must be built to benefit]
Ready For War Start with 200 alloys and 100 elerium and research credits provide +30% bonus research (reducing research time by 80% instead of 50%).
Born to Fly Pilots gain 8 aim per kill instead of 2 (scales with Campaign Length).