To Do List (Apocalypse)

From UFOpaedia
Revision as of 08:36, 1 October 2023 by EsTeR (talk | contribs) (update)
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Official Text

This is what goes after any UFOpaedia entry on every page that has one. Word for word taken from

From: Apocalypse Ufopaedia

The format: italics to denote that it is not part of the text, double-space after the official text, no period at end. eg:

Something official text from the in-game UFOpaedia sourced from, word for word, file NO LINKS WITHIN official text example example example example example.  From: Apocalypse Ufopaedia

UFOpaedia Image Format

Making pedia images uniformly.

  • Cut pedia pic so that left and right edges do not have border colours (white edge typically). Helps to zoom in alot for pixel-perfect cutting. Top and bottom do not have border colours.
  • Final pic size should be either 329x479 or 329x480. If wildly out from this guide you are not using original pedia pics!
  • Insert text using Reticulan fontsize= 34 using an 'almost black' colour (see Pic Errors - Black Colour, below). Black (R0, G0, B0) cannot be used! To stop having transparent text, use (R5, G5, B5) as the font colour.
    • (R8, G2, B2) works if you still get transparent text.
  • Align text by hand roughly equi-distance from top-left corner. Uppercase and lowercase is the same.
  • Text too long? Take the grey bar, cut it then resize it 200% height only. Reinsert the new text bar to align with the top corner - no colour should show above with this double height bar. Insert text so that top-gap, middle-gap, and bottom-gap are approximately equal. Doesn't have to be perfect, but just look uniform.
  • Save file as PNG 256colour (8bit). This is ideal vs quality whereas TrueColour (24bit) gives minimal quality increase at the expense of triple the filesize.
  • Rename file as Type-Pedia-Name-(Apocalypse).png

Pic Errors - Black Colour

If a pic contains a black colour, that part will become transparent! Manually in-filling all black areas of pic with very dark grey could be a fix, but then its not the original pic anymore. This error seems unavoidable.

Confusing Wording

Clarification: "Security Guards" wording should not be used anywhere.
  • Building Security or Guards = note uppercase, these are the generic defence forces (not cultists, gangsters, police or thugs).
  • Defence Force = any npc (except Corporate Thugs) who appears on a search/raid to defend the building against X-Com or Aliens.

To Do

Pick One!


  • Add rating to org pages about alien infiltration speed. Building pages have potential to infiltration, not speed.
  • Buildings: combat tactics and general building interesting features text In-fill to each building page.
  • Keyboard Commands: NEED MORE key-combos although it still is a WIP. Format doesn't matter just yet, just list them for now.
  • Alien Buildings: UFOpaedia pic for each structure with briefing screen (with text) which shows the target objective. DONE
  • Facility: under-construction facility pic (only two needed: one of 1x1 and one of 2x2 facility) of in-game overhead view at lev3, placed somewhere.
  • Exotic Artifacts: split into into two pages. One for alien equipment and the other for UFO equipment (armaments and devices) so that each part can be put under its relevant section. DONE
  • Civilian Vehicles: same format with UFOpaedia pic + Reticulan fonts.
  • Pics of various pant growths which have an effect of some sort.
  • Complete org pages for SELF (pedia pic needs editing), X-Com, Alien


  • Rewrite Hybrid Vehicles page or unlink it. It seems that vehicle pages are too convoluted and repetative. Consolidation needed so that one page only for each vehicle which should include -all- info on that one page.
  • Agent Equipment: UFOpaedia new-version aka "UFOpaedia pic + Reticulan fonts" (no thumbnail error) pics to right of boxed official text for each page (gun and ammo). Consider UFOpaedia text for ammuntion as well.
  • Vehicles: Quicklinks box needs mini-pics of engines (from somewhere within a pck file).
  • Agent Medals: Rewrite whole page removing boxed parts to be same format as other pages.
  • Incendiary: Add an explaination somewhere about it. Either expand Damage Modifier page or within title page of Agent Equipment. DONE
  • Tactics Page Links: fix each page with proper "previous: the page", "next: the page", "home: the tactics title" etc. links to make reading more fluid. DONE
  • In-game UFOpedia has title pages for the subsections. Attempt to use those pics for completeness - not sure how yet!.
  • Unlink humans, hybrids, androids pages that had wall-of-text and redundant stuff. One page not three!


  • REWRITE alien gas page. What a mess!
  • Infiltration Force Combined: Gather all information on each UFO's alien loadout and make a chart which combines them. Add it to: "infiltration page" or "title page of UFO craft" or "UFO incursions page" or its own seperate page.
  • Alien Ship Technology: Propulsion, Energy, Control pages need alot of work finishing. UFOpaedia pic and in-game battlescape pics of each type eg: egg of fuel energy + bone barrier. eg: 4-aspect pic of control pedestal. eg: <there are no propulsion-things!>
  • Battlescape Tactics: remove "Building Bombing" section from here and make a new page with in-depth info about cityscape style 'missions' so that battlescape stuff isn't mixed with cityscape-only stuff AND move "Illegal Flyer" newly added text from summary page to its own page (and expand it with info derived from Apoc'd).
  • Orange Pad Timers: I've worked out so far (SH, Food chamber) that an alien spawns in -minimum- every 35secs ...but not uniformly. If somethin busy is happening then the spawn does not happen. Busy? Using alot of mind control on Sectoids and could manually delay a spawn 'at best' for 7minutes. So... TODO? 1.Check spawn times for each alien building. 2. Check spawn timer for each difficulty. DONE


  • Base Defence: (a base with all facs and allowing the hostiles to explore, edited with Apoc'd) find out where/what/why base invaders goto when in your base.

Please add your suggestions!