
From UFOpaedia
Revision as of 06:09, 29 May 2007 by Arrow Quivershaft (talk | contribs) (Updated accuracy to actual code-confirmed numbers)
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Avalanche Missile

The Avalanche missile is the most powerful craft weapon available to X-COM until the Plasma Beam can be researched.

With a far superior range and power than the Cannon and Stingray missile, it is capable of bringing down most UFOs, although with medium and large UFOs it may be beneficial to intercept with multiple craft to minimise damage and missed shots.

Vital Statistics

Range:60 km
Reload Time:20 seconds
Ammunition Used:Avalanche Missile

Note that the Accuracy given in the in-game UFOPaedia is incorrect; two independent code digs have confirmed these are the correct accuracies for the craft weaponry.